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Propaganda - North Korea Documentary Analyzes America


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I thought this was going to be a poorly done documentary, but it's actually very good from what I can tell so far.  Obviously being north korea there's a lot of "our great leader", but other then that they certainly point out a lot of truthes about north american society.

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I've only watched the first 5 or so minutes of it(I'm at work, so I can't really get too into it at the moment), but so far, from what I've seen it it's pretty damn accurate. The "our eternal leader" stuff is pretty hilarious, but otherwise it pretty much hits the nail on the head. It's pretty sad when another countries propaganda doesn't even have to lie in order to be effective.

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It's a pretty amazing documentary.  The whole hypocrisy and surprising amount of truth therein makes for a very condensed intellectual experience while watching.


It's definately worth the watch for anyone either concerned about the world, or who enjoys a brainfuck (sorry I don't know if there's any other word).

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A real shame that they spoiled the ending right up front, though.  You should watch all that and THEN you tell people it was made by NORTH KOREA.  That's the twist to end all twists.



Wow, yeah, that's a great point. People would take it a lot more seriously if they didn't know it was coming from North Korea.

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Guest darkskyabove

Something...something...something wrong. Why would a North Korean, essentially bashing the West, need to disguise his identity? Less suspicious, but possibly relevant: the female voice-over appears a direct match to some of the video I've perused at ThoughtMaybe.

Could this be filed under false-flag propaganda: the truth is told by the enemy and, therefore, discredited?

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