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Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

Alan C.

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Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

U.S. President Barack Obama gives the commencement address to the
graduating class of The Ohio State University at Ohio Stadium on May 5,
2013 in Columbus, Ohio.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing
voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some
separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some
of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll
warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should
reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and
creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with
which we can't be trusted.

We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to
solve our problems. We shouldn't want to. But we don't think the
government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we
understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand
that it's not about what America can do for us, it's about what can be
done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely
necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be
involved in that process.

How self-government works: the people calling themselves "the government" tell you what to do and you obey, or else.

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Typical political persuasion. There is something alluring to his way of his words that makes you feel safe and secure, but too bad it's all just a crock.

I mean I commend him for sort of appealing to people's scepticism by saying we shouldn't want to put all our faith in the government to solve our problems...but come on. He knows too many people are onto him and the rest of the system, hence he has to make such a finely made point that just doesn't excuse the evil at the core of his rule. What an arousing way to lure people in by giving them the illusion that "we are all in this together" mentality. It's far too obvious that democracy is a lie, the Electorial College pretty much exposes the uselessness of voting and...*KABOOM!!!* My head asplode. I am just impressed by this, yet also sickened.

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"The government is not a separate entity.  But we are in charge.  And we're doing good work, so don't oppose us.  By opposing us, you are opposing yourself, because we rule ourselves.  Democracy is ours.  Submit, citizen."

I need a drink.

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When will this 'brave experiment' be over Mr. President?  The two centuries of data we've collected so far doesn't look good.  If only this experiment was aborted as quickly as the Stanford Prison Experiment was, there might not be such a vast swath of destruction in its wake.

If we actually had "self-government" it wouldn't be that hard and frustrating.  It would simply be the matter of getting out of bed every morning and going about your day with an unnoticed and unacknowledged absence of violence, war, theft, bribery, and intimdation.  The government that nonsense-spewing goofball is at the top of bears no resemblance to such a situation.  I don't have to struggle to not kick in my neighbor's door and demand money.  Things go much smoother if you're a nice person.   You should try it sometime, Mr. President.

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Seeing quotes like this is such a scary reminder of how much of a fundamentalist religion statism is. The fact that the left-wing is so blindly unaware of how evil their government is is just astonishing. I can no longer believe that Presidents actually believe anything they say. He of all people knows how little the government represents it's people. For him to make statements liks this is proof positive that he's nothing more than a big-time snake handler selling people a lie for his own benefit. It sickens my stomach to know that millions of people hear these words and are inspired by them.

Being unplugged from the matrix sucks.

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What is this "self-rule" and "self-government" he keeps talking about? Is that some sleazy way of trying to get folks to believe that they're running their own lives with the Federal Government being some kind of benevolent overseer? Man, this president is brilliantly manipulative.

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What is this "self-rule" and "self-government" he keeps talking about?


It's where a small group of rulers tell you how to live your life, such as who you're going to pay for medical care and how much, and what the prices of milk and sugar and corn are going to be, and if you submit to all of this control like a good little citizen, then the whole operation is called "we," but if you resist them in any way, then you're the problem because you're gumming up the works.

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A characteristic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is blaming others for one's own failures.

The only thing being gummed up is the free-market, which is what Obama and his lackeys are doing.


Reminds me from a quote from Nietzsche from The Will to Power

"The ruling class identifies itself with the
successes of the community"

I would extend this with "the ruling class identifies failure with the community".

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As a voice that warns about government tyranny, I find it insulting to infer that I've said tyranny is 'just around the corner'.  No, it's very much right here, right now.  There's no, 'turning into a police state' it's TURNED.  Everybody thinks they know what tyranny looks like, but the joke's on us.  They aren't going to do the whole Nazi\North Korean\Pink Floyd The Wall style fascism any more with the marching and the uniforms and propaganda posters.  (except for the whole SWAT thing, but that's not as marchy)  We're too keen on that.

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As a voice that warns about government tyranny, I find it insulting to infer that I've said tyranny is 'just around the corner'.  No, it's very much right here, right now.  There's no, 'turning into a police state' it's TURNED.  Everybody thinks they know what tyranny looks like, but the joke's on us.  They aren't going to do the whole Nazi\North Korean\Pink Floyd The Wall style fascism any more with the marching and the uniforms and propaganda posters.  (except for the whole SWAT thing, but that's not as marchy)  We're too keen on that.


Except they are doing the "marching and the uniforms and propaganda posters" in schools with the full support of almost every Democrat or Republican.

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