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We are all One


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Hi David,

Thanks for sharing this quote!  So do you feel these folks in the New Age communities have accepted darkness?


Mishelle...I don't know. IMO, if they haven't accepted the appearance of darkness in some measure then they haven't begun the needed work of integration of their shadow side, along with the shadow side of society as a whole. That would make their "light" phony and fabricated at best.

In my experience, being real is what gets you closer to light. Of course it's scary to be real, especially in this lying society, but it's personally worth the risk in the long run. Why? Because we don't kid anyone but ourselves in the end. In esotericism it's called "dying daily". Dying daily to our false sense of self. Dying to our ego-self, which makes room for our true self. 


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Hi David,

Thanks for sharing this quote!  So do you feel these folks in the New Age communities have accepted darkness?  What I see is a perpetual turning away from darkness, as if it doesn't exist or they can simply choose to not pay attention to it.  I've been trying to read Ken Wilbur's A Brief History of Everything, again, and have a very hard time getting through it.  Some of it is just the format, this interview style he uses is very choppy and is constantly losing any natural narrative flow.  Of course he talks quite a bit about Holons, which was interesting and something I obviously skipped right over the last time.

But what most strikes me is the naivete and arrogance.  These people who call themselves "Enlightened" and have careers teaching others' to become "Enlightened" are privileged Western whites trying to teach other privileged Western whites about the true nature of reality.  I find this so arrogant as to be comical!  Like last night I watched Openhand: 5 Gateways documentary.  What I most want to say to these people is: "OK, you call yourself Enlightened, so go now to New Dehli and live and work among the street children who were sold by their parents into prostitution at age 8, and after 3 or 4 years, when you've made a significant enlightening impact on these kids, then come back and teach us spoiled folk something real about the nature of reality!"

And so I realize it's not the Oneness concept I have a problem with actually, it's the New Agers who sit on their pretty embroidered cushions in the land of luxury and preach it! /emoticons/emotion-3.gif

love & cheers



Oddly I couldn't find this anywhere but on this website. And there seems no way to embed it so you have to go to the link. But Saturday Night Live did this parody a few years back. I was really thrilled to see them take on the subject. And, while they could have made it a lot more funny, it did hit on some of the key concepts. And the ending is all about what you raise here, Mishelle, which has always bothered me greatly about these New Age ideas. I think especially the last part will hit home.


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Gorgeously spoken on both sides, thank you, I've just been catching up my inbox and see STer has some of the same beefs I do and am still experiencing regularly in my community.  From this place of naval-gazing these folks go out to change the world, without any real clue what's happening and what really needs changing.

 For example, Ken Wilbur endorsed Obama in the last election--how can I then be expected to take him seriously?!  There is so much wishful thinking--one acquaintance in this group just recently deleted my "negative" links to several factual pieces on all Obama's promises and how none of them have manifested and yet, how is it folks are still buying it?  So, this woman who now wants to get political from her privileged perch is using censorship to make sure the Kumbaya Club is not affected by too much reality!  If I'm not cheerleading them in their mass delusions then I am considered the problem.

So the issue is going from this place of so-called inner wisdom and then applying that to the world outside--and this goes back to Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics.  This is Green thinking trying to solve all the world's problems from a place of complete seperation.  They have no clue whatsoever about poverty, or tyranny, or war, but suddenly they are in a position to preach about Oneness.  They call for no hierarchy and yet still see the world from the top of their holarchy!  If we are really One, why are they only One with those who agree with them, why are they not helping those who really need help?

oops, my anger and irritation are showing again, best go meditate /emoticons/emotion-1.gif

love & cheers




There are those who use "positive thinking" as a means of denying the darkness in the world that they can't handle being aware of. Then there are those who take a constructive approach which involves being fully aware of both the light and darkness in the world and maintaining the attitude of trying to do the best one can given the circumstance. The former is an extremely immature defense mechanism. The latter is a highly mature state. These two must always be distinguished.

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LOL!  This is cute,thanks so much for sharing!  Will pass along to "my sisters" forsure :)

I really want to betransparent in this conversation and so I just want to reiterate or maybe makeclear for the first time (?), I believe in the collective mind, or thecollective unconscious, and I believe we can access it through meditation andmaybe even dreams.  I also believe I have accessed and actually influenced"the field" deliberately 3 times for sure in my life.  Theseoccasions happened in very deep concentration with direct intention and theresult was almost immediate.  Yes, when I think about these timesrationally, I discount them.  I give loads of excuses which are common,including chance, and I've heard this from others also.  I cannotreproduce them at whim, and so I have no empirical evidence that would impressanyone here.  Still, these are powerful altered states, as powerful as anydrug I've ever tried, and so I keep exploring, happily -- also thesynchronicity I've experienced at times in my life where I've been focused onintention and alignment have been dumb-founding.  I don't know what tomake of these events, or of the New Agers who believe in them as so common thata book like that cheesy Secret crap can sell many millions.  But that'sthe mystery and wonder that continues to drive me to be open, despite the naivetéand arrogance i find so annoying in these groups.

I'm still appreciatingso much the participation and direction in this conversation and felt like thelast caller who was speaking of Buddhism today was mirroring some of myissues--specifically, meditation as a kind of band-aid to authentic emotionalresponses of grief, irritation and anger.  (She said the opposite, that is the goal of Enlightenment, the power of complete unattachment, ugh, please say it ain't so!!)

These are not simple ideas explained away in a breath, imho they are the biggest conversations happening thoughout the ages and need be happening still.

thanks for playing :)

love & cheers




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Dear Kindred Spirits!

I don't know if anyone is still following this thread but I just had to report back that so much has come to me since beginning this inquiry, and just in case there is anyone still interested, I have to share.  It's ironic really, because it's taking me back to my university studies--so much I missed, just seeing it in my 20-something mentality--wanting to discount so many great thoughts because, well mainly honestly, their views on women.  

What I have been able to learn since then has been such a circle, or backtracking, with a new more open mind.  I knew of course there was nothing so new in this idea of Oneness of the New Agers, but it was so hard to evaluate my discomfort and feeling it was disingenuous.  My studies were in French Literature--Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, de Tocqueville--contrasting with my specialty of as a Masters students of diaspora and francophone lit--in other words as the Africans were taught in the State schools: "Nos ancentres, les Gaulois."

Unified Consciousness, Organic Unity, The Great Chain of Being, well, in multiple lectures, including this fascinating one linked below, I've been able to fill the gaps and decipher my left from right brain-thinking, lol, but oh my what a thrill!  To go back to these many texts again without the misunderstandings and judgements of youth and really understand, yes, even the New Age movement has come out of a system of top-down social programming. This is what I was most reacting to, in both a blind wishful thinking and a cognitive rejection.  What a trip!  Still grateful for all those who have joined me, and offered insights.  Maybe you will be interested in this?

oops, not the right one, but so fun I will leave it anyway! www.youtube.com/watch?v=41R7jqYx22g 

(History...The Trivium Method vs The Classical Trivium: A Briefing by Kevin Cole)


Love & cheers



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Hi Mishelle, glad to hear you are still probing this topic. I found a video with a former KGB propagandist that defected to the west.. He discusses at some length about his experience in India and with western hippies. Not sure it necessarily discounts the new age ideas, but I found it interesting how the Soviets attempted to use this thinking as a means to subvert western thinking. A little long unfortunately, but if you had time it might interest you.


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So welcomed, thank you!  I can do long, as the last link demonstrates :)  Will watch for sure. Reminds me of another I've recently come across if you are interested called Manufacturing Deadheads.  Scary really, since I was an exuberant youthful participant in many of those concerts!  "When you know better, you do better" ug, I hate to quote Oprah, but since Stefan regularly refers to Dr. Phil, well, what can I say?!  ( In all honesty I almost went to a String Cheese concert in Austin this weekend, just for ole tme's sake)  I don't have the answers, but the questions keep me goin' . . .

thanks again

love & cheers



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Yes, exactly.  There are a couple of newer jam bands now that have taken their place--String Cheese Incident, Leftover Salmon, Zilla--I like them too!  I remember those days  very fondly, amazing atmosphere of "oneness" lol.  It's just good now to understand how it all fits in to the programming--this guy compares it to the opium wars and the British involvment there.  I'm sure "pushing" alcohol on the Native Americans would fit in here too.  Colonialism at its finest :)

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Howdy y'all :)

This one just takes the cake on the "One consciousness" so I just had to share!  This guy is really good, if you don't know him yet.

Surveillance State: first step to creating a single universal mind

by Jon Rappoport
July 3, 2013

"Technical barriers to grafting one person's head onto
another person's body can now be overcome, says Dr. Sergio Canavero, a member
of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group." (Quartz.com July 2)
So...imagine we were living in that kind of society 50 years up
the road. We might get something like the following:
Your job at the Central General Corporation brings you a
longed-for special perk.
You can sign up and get on the list for a new mind.
The technical description of the surgery is over your head, but
the basics are thrilling.
Two solid improvements are speed and accuracy. You will think 20
times faster, and your rate of mistakes will drop to .01%. Your IQ will rise by
a minimum of 50 points.
There is also an automatic signal when a problem you're working on
won't resolve. Your left ear lobe burns. This informs you that, no matter how
hard you try, you won't be able to come to a useful conclusion.
You'll save a great deal of time.
The new mind you're getting contains several basic elements:
157,893 generalizations (or premises) deemed to be truthful;
a deductive logic program that is ironclad;
and an instantly accessible technical library adjusted to your
The library automatically generates, collates, and summarizes the
best available information re the problem you're working on, in line with the
previously installed generalizations (premises) and the logic program.
For an additional fee, you can opt for a social program that will
enable you to shift out of work-mode and communicate effectively with
colleagues, friends, and family.
The left-ear-lobe burn signal will go live whenever social
conversations touch on controversial issues. This is your cue to back away and
seek other company.
Your new mind will be monitored 24/7 from a combined NSA-DHS node
that ensures proper functioning.  If repairs are needed, a partial
shutdown will deploy. Corrections will normally take less than three hours.
There is also a bullpen function. Persistent questions for which
there is no available answer; personal reflections and contemplations; and any
instance of social, political, financial, or existential claustrophobia will
all be funneled to a dead space where they will linger and progressively fade.
A tiny but important Grand Slam Package will translate any
thoughts once deemed to be creative into a sludge-mesh, where the velocity of
transmission will slow to one synaptic flash per hour. In other words, you'll
achieve close to a zero rate on imagination.
At the perimeter of your new mind is the Cattle Farm. Slow moving,
meaningless, and random tautologies circulate there, efficiently blocking exit
from the space of consciousness.
You're centered where you're most needed, where you can perform
usefully and swiftly.
The most delicate aspect of the new-mind surgery involves
connecting programmed thought-impulses with neurotransmitters and hormones.
Throughout the day, you'll think thoughts that trigger a carefully
groomed and modulated pleasure-quotient. The overall effect will stimulate you
to conclude you are satisfied.
A leak-proof algorithm will regulate the interplay of this
satisfaction with the delight of being able to think faster. The consequent sum
will define that elusive quality called happiness.
Thought-forms called Border Collies will continuously roam the
space of your mind and organize stray electrical effects, bringing them into
symmetrical globular wholes. These wholes will automatically constitute your
"aesthetic sense."
At night, while you sleep, regions of mind unreachable by the
surgery will naturally expend extraordinary energies of outrage, resentment,
resistance, and pure hatred. This is quite normal.
Scooper Drones will siphon off those energies and their attendant
emotional wildfires into Sponge Wardens at seven key National Institutes of
Health laboratories, where researchers will utilize them to build Strategic
"Arab Spring" Platforms.
NASA is preparing to launch the Platforms. They will circle the
Earth and beam wide-spectrum rage at key sites where wars, revolutions, and
inciting events are deemed necessary to update mega-corporate healing
Further specific information on these corporate operations is, at
present, classified.
But know you are contributing to a higher-order resolution of
planetary conflict.
It's estimated that, with your new mind in tow, you'll require
full overhauls every three years. During these periods of hospitalization,
you'll experience total shutdown.
You families, friends, and co-workers will be notified in advance.
As an historical note of interest, you recall, I'm sure, the
so-called spying, the so-called Surveillance State, back in the old days. Yes?
Most people didn't realize the program was the first attempt to
create a single Universal Mind.
It's about feedback:
When people know their every action and thought is monitored and
watched, they naturally decide to change their thoughts, trim them down, make
them more simple and lucid...so there is no misunderstanding.
You see?
The Surveillance State was really the first crude new-mind surgery
that we have today.
But now we can guarantee the result. The science has advanced
majestically. The surgery is extremely specific and comprehensive.
Fifty years ago, people didn't understand why the NSA and other
organizations were spying on everybody all the time. It wasn't merely to stop
terrorist attacks. So why?
Now it's all clear. It was step one in a lengthy process of
coordinating and manufacturing all minds to move as One.
Central Planning for Planet Earth must restructure brains so they
perform, in various ways, to produce what we call The Whole X.
What is The Whole X? It's the meshing of all human thought and
function that will indeed produce the greatest good for the greatest number.
Whole X is the plan from above.
It calculates every move and every thought-pattern the billions of
Earth inhabitants undertake, during every hour of every day.
Whole X dispenses justice and goods and services and
sustainability from Nome to Tierra Del Fuego.
How can these four elements be parceled out unless, at the level
of mind, the rational processes of every human are coordinated?
Yes, we've come a long way from Spy Headquarters. That was then;
this is now.
We've walked the path from the Bill of Rights to the Bill of the
Use your gifts wisely.
To those who lament the loss of freedom, privacy, and imagination,
consider that those qualities led us to the brink of extinction. We turned the
corner and found enduring peace in our time.
For more information, log on to The Church of Absolute Inescapable
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and
EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the
29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as
an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine,
and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other
newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and
seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences
around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com   

[;)]  Have a nice day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's an interesting 7 hour rant all about this--only 1/2 way through so far, but it's making me laugh, since so much of it was in my head just a couple months ago! Mark Passio "New Age bullshit and the supressionof the sacred masculine" 

y'all might like?


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You know on the possibility, these kind of cults are like oligarchies but without the force. You've got one or few individuals at the top who descend from Buddha or something, and their pawns. If they're smart, the sacred ones can use these religions to ensnare people into a warped vaccuum of docility that they can't leave because they don't know anything else (even though I am aware that there are lots of authoritarian Busshist families, which is unsurprising). The fruit of this labor is a secure, self-glorifying position where you get to enjoy the sight of people circling aimlessly around something that of your creation. That sounds like a motivating pursuit for theistic narcissists.

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It is the tree/forest business all over again with the 1 concept.  And itt the forest has been explained in 12 different ways, yet. I admit that it is hard for me too not to do the same sometimes, but it is/can/will be getting better.

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