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What type of argument is UPB?


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What kind of argument is the scientific method?


 while cheeky, the above response is dead on. UPB is not any type of argument, it is a framework for establishing the validity of potential ethical theories.


1. Ethics is not a science. The only interests are those of individuals, in particular those of yourself.

2. Economics is a science.

3. According to your understanding of your interests and your understanding of economics, you can support certain norms and institutions.

4. As such, allowing homesteading of something scarce by another person makes sense if you take the increased productivity through the division of labor into account.

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1. Ethics is not a science. The only interests are those of individuals, in particular those of yourself.

Can you expand upon what you mean? Can you define science? I am having a difficult time understanding points 2-4 in regards to the topic of ethics. I think I might understand what you are saying, but I am unsure, and I'd prefer not to mischaracterize the argument.

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It's all here, for free:

Universally Preferable Behavior: A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics

and some videos Stef has done on UPB:





Ha ha, okay. Fair enough I guess. I knew he took a scientific method type approach, but I didn't know if there was more to it than that. I'm ignorant on a lot of this stuff and I am trying to learn.




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