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I also wanted to mention this improvement.  The custom thumbnails look really good, and make for much more inviting targets (even without boobs no less) Actually, now that I look at them one minor improvement might be to move up the text slightly so it's not overalapped by the black time box in the lower right.  Stuff like this title card are nicely done as well:

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Yes, they definitely look a whole lot more appealing. And splitting the really long Sunday shows into smaller videos for each topic was a great idea. As a big fan of FDR I never minded watching/istening to the whole 2 hour show, but I know that whenever I see a youtube video that goes on for more than 10 minutes I get turned off (unless I'm really curious about it).

Thanks for all the changes you've been making, Mike. Great stuff :)

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Thanks guys! If you have any further suggestions about ways to improve the videos, the YouTube channel or anything, please let me know. 


Meh, how is an artist meant to immortalise a philospher in his very own stone bust, especially one that fidgits a lot. More philosphical poses from Stef please, in the Greek vein. Toga's and bay leaves are optional extras of course.. [;)]


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