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Finding Love at 40

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To the caller, you are not alone. Your description of your mother sounds exactly like my mother. Some of the things you said that your mother told you were almost word for word what

my mother told me. It gets better. Trust me, as someone who has been through this, you can get past it. The greatest help for me was to find something to do that was meaningful and helped others. When I help others, my problems melt away. If you, the caller, read this; please feel free to PM me.

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Don't assume that it just gets better. You may have thought that years ago and that lead to where you are now. You have to put in the work to unlearn what messed you up. The good news is that there are resources out there where people have figured this stuff out for you, and you can learn from them. Unlike the the guys who slipped through life at a more normal trajectory dating from their early to mid teens on, you can actually be motivated to learn what really works right. Don't feel the need to copy the average shlub out there. Learn what really works, and better yourself, and you can become far more desirable and attractive than the vast majority of men.

Some things to look into:

Nathaniel Branden's materials. You sound like you need to focus a lot on self acceptance.

Find out how women's attraction works. Even if you have been messed up in some ways, that won't be too much of a problem if presented with the correct timing. (Timing is another thing to keep in mind when dealing with women. A lot of the attitudes and behaviors you need to have with women are time dependent.) Some things that can help with this are romance novels and some chick flicks. Yeah they can be annoying, but view all this with the attitude of analysis keeping in mind that thid fiction is playing into something already going on in women's heads. The scenarios aren't accidental.

David Deida's The Way of the Superior Man

David DeAngelo's materials

Paul Janka's materials. He can show you the mindset and how to for picking up women you cross paths with throughout your day.

You may also need to focus on some social anxiety help materials and communication materials.

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