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How to tell the truth?


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It sounds so easy but in reality it's near impossible. In my ideal, free world my relationship would all be honest but I havev found information that would/should change a persons life. The problem is what if? what if he/she/they (hst) don't believe me and negativly effects our relationship or if they do belive me and the information is negative so I am now a negative in hst life. What is the best course of action. Should I plant the truth infront of them hopeing hst will notice?

What is the truth of telling the truth?


Truthseeker Max,

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There are just as many "what if's" triggered by not telling the truth, as are triggered by telling the truth.


And there are many potential problems to not telling the truth. You need to keep track of your lies, and if you let one small thing slip .. the person you are talking to will become suspicious, and eventualy discover the lie. imagine the negative aspects of the truth combined with the negative knowledge that you lied ....

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I find it more benificial to make arguments and to see if a person argues against them in any sensible way. It is far less about conclusions as it is an objective methodology.

The vast majority of friends and people you know are likely to reject your arguments with completely idiotic statements, and you are likely to be bewittled. If this occurs, this is something that is very important to know about your friends. Philosophy changes your life, especially your relationships.

Something to keep in mind is that not every friendship needs to involve philosophy.

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Telling the truth usually doesn't lead to positive repercussions. People have been brainwashed their entire lives, don't expect them to immediately understand or accept the truth. So what? So what if people won't accept it, will have negative effects on your relationships? The truth is what matters, and if you're prepared and able to present the truth in a calm, articulate manner, you'll know that you've done what you can. If relationships are ruined, all that says is those people were never truly good friends/family members to begin with.

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