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Betrayed by senses

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The worldview can only be true if it is validated by our senses, right? But what about all the cases where our senses “betray” us and present a picture that is different from reality? Here is an article that appeared on Cracked.com that deals with some of those “betrayals.” Please keep in mind that it is a humour site and should be taken lightly. Although, a lot of the examples look legit. What are your thoughts?


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The worldview can only be true if it is validated by our senses, right? But what about all the cases where our senses “betray” us and present a picture that is different from reality? Here is an article that appeared on Cracked.com that deals with some of those “betrayals.” Please keep in mind that it is a humour site and should be taken lightly. Although, a lot of the examples look legit. What are your thoughts?



Well? what's your alternative suggestion to trusting the evidence of your senses?


[/anchor]do not regard any of the senses as Wisdom; yet surely these give the most
authoritative knowledge of particulars. But they do not tell us the 'why'
[anchor=66]of anything-e.g. why fire is hot; they only say that it is hot. " - Aristotle.



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Thanks for sharing the article. It just goes to show that empircal sense evidence alone is insufficient for establishing an absolute foundation for the discernment of reality, yes?  The very fact that we must access another mode of knowing than sense data alone (i.e., access our logistical mental cognition in order to free ourselves of these particular illusions of sense) indicates this must be so.

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The worldview can only be true if it is validated by our senses, right? But what about all the cases where our senses “betray” us and present a picture that is different from reality? Here is an article that appeared on Cracked.com that deals with some of those “betrayals.” Please keep in mind that it is a humour site and should be taken lightly. Although, a lot of the examples look legit. What are your thoughts?



Well? what's your alternative suggestion to trusting the evidence of your senses?


[/anchor]do not regard any of the senses as Wisdom; yet surely these give the most
authoritative knowledge of particulars. But they do not tell us the 'why'
[anchor=66]of anything-e.g. why fire is hot; they only say that it is hot. " - Aristotle.




It may be true that everything is at some point filtered through human senses. But there is a big difference between one individual considering something with his unaided senses and making a judgment vs.:

1) Many people considering something and pooling the data

2) Using tools to extend the precision of our senses (ie: microscopes, telescopes, rulers and on and on) to more accurately and objectively check our initial sense impressions

3) Using systematic comparisons designed toreduce bias vs. simply anecdotal and isolated cases

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