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14-year-old "de-fooing" from his mother.


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Excerpt from the video description:

"This video was recorded on Sunday, May 26, 2013. It is completely
unedited. I (Caleb Leverett) uploaded the video to YouTube the very same
day, but kept it set to private until June 6, 2013.

I am
Parker's dad, father, biological father, Daddy and guy who cut his
umbilical cord. [...] I am a subscriber to the
non-aggression principle (NAP)
which basically says that the initiation
of force is always immoral. I raise all four of my children in a
non-violent manner, i.e., I never spank my kids... EVER. All four of my
kids are very familiar with the NAP are extremely well behaved; anyone
who knows them personally will testify that this is true.

today (Saturday, June 8, 2013) there was no description to the video. I
am adding it to help others understand the broader picture. Parker has
lived with me full time since the day this was filmed. I picked up my
other three kids from their mom and step-dad's house yesterday for my
first week of summer vacation with them. The pick up was text book
perfect and without incident, of which I am thankful. [...]

thank many of you for your kind, encouraging words. I even thank the
critics, for your words are teaching Parker and I to hone our skills,
and yes, Parker and I read every single word. Have a peaceful day and
remember, you own yourself. No one else owns you."

I think both, the father and the son, would make excellent guests on your show, Stef. They both seem to be well spoken and very straight shooters, from what I understand

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Damn, this is super hardcore.  This poor kid is enduring a non-stop assault of…well I don't even know where to start, I am sure those versed in psychology could base a whole course on all the tricks she's using.  Never seen or experienced anything quite like it.  It's not as Show Business as laptop shooter dad, but it probably deserves to be as popular. *whew*

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That took an extreme amount of courage, Parker. I've done the same thing and let me say: it only gets better from here - that might be the most difficult thing you'll ever do in your life. Good on you for rejecting corruption from your life! Your actions give me hope for the future and for rejecting corruption.

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I can very much identify with Parker and the frustruation he must feel, cought between two divorced parents that hate each other. That's just how I grew up, and it was truly horrible.

At first I was surprised of how calm and seemingly reasonable his mother was, but my jaw completely dropped to the floor when she first called for police backup, and then made a promise to beat Parker up afterwards - as if that was a convincing argument and a sign of love and compassion?! [:|] [+o(]

My own mother was also physically abusive and she didn't stop hitting me until I was big enough to throw her to the floor. Her crying and emotional manipulation was spot on like Parker's mother, often used in situations when physical violence was not an option available to her. If Parker ever finds his way to this thread I'd like to tell him that I think I know how he feels and that I'm sorry that he had to go through all this.

On the other hand, it also made me uncomfortable when Parker had to defend Caleb's drinking habits ("he only had two beers"), and Caleb himself didn't seem to have a lot to say in his defence when Parker's mother accused him for having an unhealthy life style, particularly unsuitable for children; drugs, drinking, poor housing conditions, bad economy, etc. [*-)]

To sum it up, I'm convinced Parker made the right choice to choose a NAP father over an obviously abusive mother, but I can't help feeling that his options were sub-optimal...

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Guest darkskyabove

Forced myself to watch the entire video, though it reminded me of every day with my Mom. I only wish I'd handled my situation(s) as well as Parker seemed to.

What I would point out is that this video is not an aberration, this is how America really is. The only difference is the technology available to show all the dirty details. Any who were never subjected to this form of emotional blackmail are the aberrations. I lived it, I watched all my friends live it, I watched my friends grow up and subject their children to it, I've seen it repeatedly enacted by strangers. It is endemic to a society that has little, if any, clue, as to how to live. Hell, I've worked my butt off trying to figure stuff out, and still can't claim any special expertise.

Reinforces my admiration for the peaceful parenting practitioners. Thank you Stephan, Dayna, and all the others I don't know of. And I don't even have children!

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Amazing to have this stuff documented like this! Thanks for sharing it. 

The bitch's voice when she says "I love you", you gotta love the intonation...

And at 43:30, when Parker says "then they shouldn't be enforcing anything", brilliant, just brilliant!

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  • 1 month later...

I finally took the time to watch the whole thing and damn man...Parker is one brave lad. That psycho mom is manipulative, crying out of convenience to try and win sympathy points from the cop. Whats awkward is when shes calling the cops herself theres a brief instance shes asking what they did over the weekend, and her first reaction was to insult him before letting him continue. Just disgusting what she did. I cant even describe the many insane tricks she tried to pull.


I admire Parker's ability to stay calm 90% of the time but when he did snap at her it was utterly shocking. So much buried angst hes trying to keep away but she pulled it all out of him after probably instilling that anger into him based on his reports of abuse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

<i>On August 19, 2013 Judge Denn Whalen ordered that Parker go live with his mom and step-dad, who recently moved 6 hours away to San Antonio. He got about 15 minutes to say goodbye.</i>


The anger I feel towards that mother is crazy. I don't even know her.It's sick what the state and that mother are doing. That judge should step down. I am holding a lot of curses and ranting back right now. Four years and then Parker is free from that vile wretch of a mother.

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"Come inside so we can talk about whats wrong with you"


"I hate to say this but you're being real ugly right now"


"maybe you're internalizing our funny family"


"the punch punch game"


"I would put your bald headed through the window if I didnt think your dad would shoot me"


Cop arrives and she starts crying immediately for the first time.  Such sick manipulation.  I can relate.

this poor kid man what a champ

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I still remember watching this for the first time.  It was like reliving my childhood... not a fun thing to go through.  I like him was just as strong and stood my ground; got knuckles for it though.  It would be nice to have a full update.  My guess is, he will go back, live with her as required, and the second he turns 18, that relationship ends for good.  Mom is shooting herself in the foot.  The damage is done though really.  Hopefully dad takes the time to explain his mistakes and make right for the years he put him through by choosing a mate with such obvious character flaws.  smh

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