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$6.8M Judgement Against Psychic Who Was Wrong About Mass Grave

Alan C.

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'Psychic' who falsely accused couple of having a mass grave on their property is set to pay them $6.8 MILLION damages

After winning a lawsuit last month, a couple in Texas are looking to collect $6.8M from the psychic who defamed them.

Joe Bankston and Gena Charlton sued the offending psychic, Presley 'Rhonda' Gridley for defaming them when she told police in June 2011 that there was a mass grave in their backyard.

Gridley, a self-described 'psychic' and 'reverend' told police that they would find a mass grave with 25 to 30 bodies in their backyard, with the bones of missing children in the walls and 'stuff written all over the walls in blood.'

When the police started their investigation, they repeated Gridley's claims to the local press who reported them as facts.

When the investigation ended with no bodies in sight, Bankston and Charlton sued Liberty county, various media outlets and Gridley.

'Over the course of the day, media defendants began to exaggerate and eventually make up facts about Plaintiffs, including that a mass grave existed on the property, including the bodies of children,' the suit said.

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Interesting case. I would say, the only people who owe the couple any damages are the idiot 'authorities' who believed the ramblings of a psy-chick, and, most of all, the judge, who, apparently signed a warrant based on no evidence.

The psychic is not a fault here. She may be delusional, but it seems clear that she 'had reason to believe and did believe' that there was a 'mass grave' on the property. However, those believes were based on illusions, but SHE didn't know that!

And about those newspapers, nobody should believe anything these hacks write. If they still do, it's nobody's fault, really.

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Guest darkskyabove

Hey! Can YOU sue ME because I'm an idiot, and convinced YOU that my irrational views would produce...something?

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So the cops not only accepted a tip from a psychic from as fact, but they also reported it to the media, and were also willing to involve them in the destruction of the couple's home.

Uh... I hate these types of stories, because I can't make sense of anything, especially in respect to so many other things.

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