Individualize Posted June 16, 2013 Posted June 16, 2013 Following the recent revelations by Edward Snowden, and warm overtures by the Chinese state-controlled media, one oft-heard reply is to level a charge of hypocrisy at the Chinese, who would be unlikely to show such appreciation for whistleblowers amongst their own ranks. While that may be an accurate criticism on one level, it fails to include the reciprocal - that the USA would heartily welcome any former employee of the Chinese security apparatus who defected under similar circumstances. But this analysis fails to consider deeper issues of far greater consequence, as does the charge that the Chinese who support Mr. Snowden must be "brainwashed." American freedom, to the extent it still exists, is permitted due to the ignorance of Americans who fail to recognize that their government every bit as "evil" as the Chinese government. The Chinese, by contrast, do not believe the pseudo-communist apparatus of state which rules them is "their government;" they know, from bitter experience, that 'government' is, and always has, served an Elite mafia - just as the USA Government does today. Perhaps they are also pointedly aware that governments routinely commit fraud, and perpetuate war-crimes and terrorism, simply changing the labeling of these acts when carried out under "official" cover (drones, anyone?). These forms of public awareness makes "free speech" Dangerous to Rulers. Therefore, a more perceptive analysis might conclude that Free Speech is not permitted in China because it *would be a threat* the the "powers" that *should not be*, just as it *is* permitted in the USA because it is *not* a threat, to the Criminal-Elites who Rule, here. A lack of sheep-washing could also explain why "free elections" (sic) are not permitted in China. The Chinese people might not be snookered into buying into a two-party duopoly akin to the US model, where both parties appointees are auto-magically selected from the a bi-partisan (sic) collection of Elites belonging to a group known as the "Council on Foreign Relations" (CFR), created by David Rockefeller to guarantee taxpayer-funded military-protection of his overseas assets in cooperation with other British Roundtable groups - all manipulating their respective governments in lock-step to the orders of Transnational corporations. It is no surprise that the current head of the CFR, Richard Haas, has condemned Snowden with the usual fearmongering, a tweet about us being "less safe." Our safety would not be in question were our government not committing heinous crimes around the world in our name, every day, to protect the vested stolen-interests of Transnational Corporations. The Chinese might actually elect individuals who would radically-change who controls the levers of power in their nation - a wholly unacceptable option to the Elite-Ruler-Dictators of any nation, be they visible - as in China - or hidden behind a smokescreen of Foundations, Think Tanks, Lobbyists, and Puppet-Politicians - as in the USA. When the narrative of freedom is taught (sic) in American schools, it is presented as a constant, with only brief, and quickly corrected, interruptions. A more critical analysis reveals that "Freedom of Speech" was banned in the USA at *every critical juncture* when it endangered Elite control of "our" (sic) nation. This "inalienable right" was only restored after the 'crisis', with the appropriate lip-service / legal criticisms, at a point when that "right" had become *impotent* to effect significant change. Does anyone seriously believe that the First Amendment would not be swiftly curtailed again if the "sheep-washing" of American minds failed to keep the masses in check? Granted, when we note that all the major mainstream media outlets (over 90% of books, tv, movies, radio, music, newspapers) are owned by 6 conglomerate corporations, who *are* the elite, such a contingency becomes highly unlikely. Further, as the NSA revelations have demonstrated, "freedom of speech," combined with total-surveillance, allows non-sheep-washed minds to be easily identified and monitored. As Mr. Snowden pointed out, a public-smearing using private details of their lives (I would add, "true or manufactured"), or even their "round-up" to face Congressionally-approved and Presidentially-stamped "indefinite detention," would be a simple task given today's surveillance-state. The "handling" of dissidents will be even easier when the NSA's mega-computer data-mining and perpetual-storage facility in Utah is completed. In response to questions about the Prism spy-program, President Obama told us we, "had a problem," if we could not trust the three branches of government, who all played parts in enabling this serial-spying on our private communications. For once, I agree entirely with the President; we DO have a problem - and a big one. From torture, to indefinite-detention of Americans, to NSA spying, it is clear that all three branches of government now share a decidedly Tyrannical philosophy. Not one of them has "stood up" to prevent the utter destruction of our now-deceased Bill of Rights - or made any significant efforts to resurrect it over a decade after 9-11. All that is needed to quell any discussion of "freedom" is to talk about a "terrorist-nuke," or a "ticking time bomb;" a vague assertion with no basis in facts or evidence will suffice to "render" (pun intended) the basic tenets of freedom a non-issue - swept from the table of "reasonable" discourse. Never mind that the only "nearly loose nuke" in history was the one "accidentally" flown to Louisiana on an Air Force plane - a ridiculously-impossible circumstance, according to those familiar with the strict safeguards surrounding the handling of nuclear weapons. In times past, when our Federal Courts routinely ruled against abuses by government, prior to the Reagan appointments to the Federal bench and the wholesale-purchase of the Democratic Party's domestic policy by the Koch-created DLC, one might be able to argue that the "entire government" was not serving Transnational Corporate interests to the complete exclusion of all else. Those days are gone. A corporation has one singular purpose - to maximize profits. For a Transnational Corporation, the quality of life of the American People is a secondary concern - if it is any concern at all. Therefore, the policies of "our" (sic) government, run exclusively for their benefit, including any so-called "social(ist)" programs, are implemented solely for the benefit of their majority-shareholders. When we add our knowledge that the NSA and CIA have long-standing ties to "Big Business" to the equation, the latter toppling governments and supporting death squads to serve their interests, we can reasonably assume that the Prism spy-program exists to benefit Transnational corporate interests - not "our safety," as advertised. As the course of history demonstrated time and again, Elites have never had the slightest respect for the value of ordinary human lives - citizens their home-nations or otherwise. If we dare to dig a little deeper under the surface, we might consider that Chinese officials increasingly profit from the business of the same Transnationals which own and control the US Government. Would it not be wise to consider whether they are, as advertised, a genuine "foe" in the larger scheme? Are they not active participants in the Slide into world-wide Elite-Tyranny under the banner of Globalization? To what extent is the Sino-US antagonism played up in the press and by public "officials" merely a convenient illusion to foment fear and justify military budgets? Certainly, the underlying basis for a Sino-American conflict was reduced several orders of magnitude when Nixon negotiated their betrayal of their former ally and benefactor, the USSR, in exchange for US withdrawal from the region. David Rockefeller, himself, praised Mao's "leadership" back in 1973, to spite the 40-plus-million who died as a direct result of Mao's policies; he did so coincident with the Nixon-deal, engineered by his own CFR-war-criminal Kissinger, who was Secretary of State *and* National Security director at the time. The illusion of animosity would have been further eroded, beyond any shape of plausible recognition, by the transfer of American manufacturing to her shores facilitated by Koch-puppet of their "Democratic Leadership Conference" and CFR-member President Clinton. That move would seem to do immense damage to US National Security, if we are to believe the Chinese are the veritable enemy portrayed in the mockingbird-press. Perhaps Mr. Snowden has considered these elements of the grand scheme, and determined that the need to perpetuate the illusion of Sino-US conflict, to justify massive military budgets that siphon Trillions of dollars to Transnational Elites (from working-people and their unborn great-grandchildren via debt), outweighs the clear cooperation of the two sides in the Corporate and non-public diplomatic spheres. Perhaps his calculation is that the Chinese *must* protect him, in order to perpetuate the illusion by which the Transnationals operating in both nations so clearly benefit. If one measures the forces of power by money, rather than by public-politics, he may have made a wise decision. Only time will tell. For his sake, let us hope he made the right choice. Be careful Edward. Our hopes and prayers are with you. This article was originally published here.Permission to reprint or cite is granted, provided this link to the original is included.
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