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Bullying by siblings as harmful as schoolyard bullying: study


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Corinna Jenkins Tucker, an associate professor of family studies at
University of New Hampshire and the lead author of the research, says
parents and caregivers should take sibling aggression seriously because
it can lead to the same serious mental health effects as peer bullying,
even though many caregivers don’t take it seriously.

"If siblings hit each other, there's a much different reaction than if that happened between peers," she said in a statement.

"It's often dismissed, seen as something that's normal or harmless.
Some parents even think it's beneficial, as good training for dealing
with conflict and aggression in other relationships."

Of course it still ignores parent aggression, but it is at least starting to understand bullying in the family.

Then theres the parents who think its a good thing... Similar to those who think spanking is good probably.

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 50% of sibling relationships are abusive...


I am actually surprised it is not higher. I was only remarking that it is likely to be learned behavior from abusive parents. Especially these parents quoted in the story as believing that sibling abuse is good for the development of the younger kids. I tend to think that without abusive parents, sibling abuse would be minimal. It seems like a "tip of the iceberg" thing where 90% of the problem is still hidden. At least some people are beginning to see the iceberg. 

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I am the big brother and I bullied my little brother.  


Isn't it true though that bullies don't just come from nowhere?   My mother bullied me and I coped by bullying my brother.  In fact, rarely was I told off for bullying my brother because I used the exact same tactics that my mother used on me.  

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Is this in regard to aggressive acts, or does it not matter? Me and my brother rough housed like people would wrestle during practice on a wrestling team. I have a difficult time understanding it in context to bullying, like a different mental picture pops up. I get the impression from the article that it would be included, but am unsure.

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