Logan Hall Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 My wife and I are Russian born and live in Colorado. Wanted to give a shout-out...
Logan Hall Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 My wife and I are are Russian and came over in 1991 but both can still speak it. Many Russian in the Denver, Colorado area but no one I know who is from the Freedomain community. Unfortunatly since we grew up here it is much easier to speak English then Russian about these subjects.
aleles Posted August 18, 2014 Posted August 18, 2014 I was just checking how google auto translated auto captions work... we really need to deliver FDR content in Russian. Can you guess what Stef is saying from this screenshot?
Existing Alternatives Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 This is brilliant. Although, in some of his podcasts on feminism I would not be surprised if this is accurate.
Toren Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Это просто прекрасно. I have no idea what he is going to say here, but probably it's something about feminism, yeap.
aleles Posted August 21, 2014 Posted August 21, 2014 That's from the podcast "Forgiveness of Death" where Stef is talking about the girl's mother http://youtu.be/-0wLYfuVhHo?t=1h4m4s
aleles Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 Do you guys want to connect on facebook to share ideas on a more public domain and help each other promote posts with likes and comments? I think facebook stops showing posts about a certain topic to people who rarely respond to such posts. Maybe additional activity on philosophical posts will increase their display rank.Here's mine https://www.facebook.com/aleksandr.elesev
Aleksey Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Hey there! My name is Aleksey, I'm 27 and I live right in the middle of Russia, in siberian city Krasnoyarsk. FDR significantly changed my views and approach to life. Suddenly many things became clear to me. I often want to discuss this stuff with likeminded people, but I'm not sure if anyone has ever heard of FDR in my hometown. That's why I'm here.
aleles Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 On 9/9/2014 at 7:01 AM, Aleksey said: Hey there! My name is Aleksey, I'm 27 and I live right in the middle of Russia, in siberian city Krasnoyarsk. FDR significantly changed my views and approach to life. Suddenly many things became clear to me. I often want to discuss this stuff with likeminded people, but I'm not sure if anyone has ever heard of FDR in my hometown. That's why I'm here. Aleksey, вэлком! I think Krasnoyarsk is most eastern Russian city we now have a member from! You got really good lakes for kiteboarding there. Tell us more about yourself, how did you get to FDR and what was your experience?
heymanslow Posted September 26, 2014 Author Posted September 26, 2014 Hi guys, sorry I've been away from the thread for a while - I haven't really come back to the board for the past months, after I had found a person to speak Russian to, as I intended. But it's cool to see that so many people replied on here. Speaking about FDR content in Russian - I translated Stef's most popular video "The Story of Your Enslavement" into Russian and just uploaded the video with Russian subtitles to youtube. Let me know if you have any feedback about the subs. It's been a long while since I spoke Russian regularly, and I may have lost some of the flow of the language.
aleles Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 @heymanslow That's cool, is the person you found to speak Russian from this forum? Thanks for taking the time to translate. I recently found a guy on youtube who also translates various freedom videos and he has the Story Of Your Enslavement translated too. He actually adds youtube subtitles to original videos and reuploads them. Did you render the original video with a layer of subtitles on it? Do you know why youtube shows ads on your video? Did you monetize it or youtube does for some other reason? Here's the video from the guy I found
st434u Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 Has anyone considered moving to Russia in search of freedom? They've gone through a lot of economic liberalization since the days of the USSR, and it looks like this trend will continue. Thoughts?
Toren Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 It depends on what kind of freedom you're seeking. Complete freedom - Siberia is waiting you, there're some famous people living in full isolation. Economic freedom - if you are considering escaping taxes of your country, that's good, but you'd face Russian unpredictable taxes like "Pay the police or die". Some other unpleasant things happened recently that make Individual entrepreneurship (Kind of way of doing business here) much more complicated, these things are: increased taxes rate for worker's pension so many gave up their business or decided to not pay taxes. More than half of a million businesses closed in 2013. Don't be confused with revenue tax 13%, you'd pay as much as is in Europe anyway because of the other taxes. Freedom of speech - if you like Putin and his little "единая россия" party then Russia is definitely a place to visit. If you don't like GET OUT ( that's what brainwashed masses here are telling to people who try to draw their own conclusions). Things like business statistics and court cases easily could be found though mostly in Russian if you're feeling like research.
Aleksey Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/9/2014 at 3:28 PM, aleles said: Aleksey, вэлком! I think Krasnoyarsk is most eastern Russian city we now have a member from! You got really good lakes for kiteboarding there. Tell us more about yourself, how did you get to FDR and what was your experience? Hi aleles, thank you! Actually, bitcoin helped me to discover FDR. Someone in my twitter feed posted a speech made by Stefan a few month ago. Here it is http://youtu.be/joITmEr4SjY?list=PLMNj_r5bccUzhGeXF4EThVrc_iW9PcApr To be honest, I didn't quite like Stef at the beginning, probably because of his humor that I couldn't get at first… Be the things he talked about made me curious, i thought "wow, that guy has some explanations". At around the same time, my girlfriend had left me. We had been dating for a bit more than two years. I proposed to her and she said "yes", but a few month after she basically took off. That was a big shock to me, and I promised myself to figure out what happened, what did I do wrong and what can I do to not let it happen again. I did try therapy, which helped a little. But what helped the most were Stef's podcasts. So, that's how I got here. I think that I'm only at the beginning right now. I educate myself, absorb the information, but do not talk about it with the people around me yet. Probably because I already know that I'll stay alone if I start to. And that is scary. Well, that's about it On 9/27/2014 at 8:17 AM, st434u said: Has anyone considered moving to Russia in search of freedom? They've gone through a lot of economic liberalization since the days of the USSR, and it looks like this trend will continue. Thoughts? Hi st434u! Russia is the same police state as the US today. Life is cheaper here, but the level of life is much lower as well.
Toren Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 Btw about Russian subtitles, they are awesome just because they exist, already sent links to as many people as possible. That has to spread the word among Russian speaking people. Enormous thanks to gentleman who made it possible from all my friends who aren't familiar with English!
st434u Posted September 27, 2014 Posted September 27, 2014 On 9/27/2014 at 10:44 AM, Aleksey said: Hi st434u! Russia is the same police state as the US today. Life is cheaper here, but the level of life is much lower as well. Hi Aleksey, Could you expand on that? A few years ago I saw a news item where a Russian politician said it was legitimate for a private citizen to use defensive violence against a police officer who was carrying out a criminal act. It seems to me that in the financial industry at least, there is little in terms of laws and regulations. I don't know about taxes, though. And is there a lot of welfare? I don't think the russian State is taking on a lot of debt at least, I could be wrong. And how is inflation? And private crime? And do you see the general trend for these things getting worse, or better? What are the general sentiments about capitalism and liberty versus control and safety?
heymanslow Posted September 28, 2014 Author Posted September 28, 2014 Hi Aleles, yeah, the person I speak to shot me a private message from this forum. I saw this other "Story of Your Enslavement" video after I already finished mine. I daresay my subtitles are better - I did the translation myself, and hardcoded them into the video, but it looks like the guy's channel has quite a bit of useful stuff, some of which may not be otherwise available to Russian speakers who don't speak English. Not sure why youtube adds ads to my video - I didn't monetize or anything like that... I myself never saw any ads on this video, even when I pull it up under another youtube account. Weird... Thanks for letting me know though. Not sure what to do about it... @ Aleksey - thanks for updating about life in Russia! It's been a while since I've been there, but it's where I'm from and I'm really interested where Russian-speaking people's minds are in terms of political freedom, as well as understanding child mistreatment.
aleles Posted September 29, 2014 Posted September 29, 2014 Would you guys like to schedule a call to practice talking about philosophy in Russian? I don't want to exclude people who are not comfortable speaking Russian, so we can continue the conversation here on how we can bring FDR to the Russian speaking audience. I created a spreadsheet, please fill out if you would like to join the call https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit?usp=sharing
Toren Posted September 30, 2014 Posted September 30, 2014 Thank you, aleles, for bringing this idea up! Sure I'm in, I know people out here are having skype calls for Europe. Have anyone ever participated in such calls (I, miself was kinda scared)? Maybe we could use their experience in organizing our own call. Btw there are crowd-translating sites when community is making subs for something, it's just an Idea. I've no clue of how this whole thing is working, but evidently we need English subtitles first so it may be like doing double work.
VParkh Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Hi guys! I am that guy that made second subtitles for "The Story of Your Enslavement". I live in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. My whole childhood till 18 years passed in Kamchatka and now I have my last year here in university. I've found Freedomain Radio while I was learning english) I was just serfing internet for some good stuff and came across Stef's video and it interested me. It was half a year ago. I was a supporter of free market but idea of anarcho-capitalism was very wild for me. It took about 4 month for Stef to prove me that anarcho-capitalism is the only good way. Now I've just read RTR and reviewing my own life and relationships. I've found that it's much more difficult and important than talking about politics.
aleles Posted October 2, 2014 Posted October 2, 2014 Viktor, welcome! I was just thinking about messaging you on youtube to invite you and you are already here, perfect! We have two people so far signed up for a call. Viktor, would you like to join us? See the spreadsheet above. Toren and I are flexible, so you can propose a time. Since we have 8 hours difference, it should be either morning or evening.
heymanslow Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 Help bring philosophy to Russian-speaking people! Hi all! I recently created Russian subtitles for the audio part of "The Story of Your Enslavement," as seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHckEEYSV_c#t=84 I got good feedback about the quality of the subtitles, along with a suggestion that to target the Russian and other Eastern European audiences, there needs to be a voiceover, because those audiences are much more used to dubbed videos, as opposed to reading subtitles. I agree with that, and I decided to do a quality Russian voiceover for the video, with new subtitles that would translate the English text in the video, so that viewers get more of a complete understanding of the content.I decided to crowdfund this project: all in all I need $250 worth of BTC ($80 for a quality mic, and $170 for my work). Given today's BTC price, it's 0.78 BTC. Please donate to the following BTC address: 168pMRR4hj4VxPUghym681Ri3t7wcuiTC2 I will produce the voiceover-ed video 3 weeks after the target amount (0.78 BTC) is reached. If the target amount is not reached by October 27th, I will transfer all of the received donations to FDR. You can track the balance at this address through blockchain.info. Thank you for your contributions! About me:My name is Max, and I am a psychotherapist and a Russian interpreter/translator. I am also passionate about the non-aggression principle and in particular its application to adults' treatment of children. My previous translation work includes Russian subtitles for several of Daniel Mackler's videos about recovery from mental health disturbances without psychiatric drugs:
Aleksey Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Hi st434u, Sorry for not answering. For some reason I don't receive notifications from this thread. On 9/27/2014 at 4:42 PM, st434u said: Could you expand on that? A few years ago I saw a news item where a Russian politician said it was legitimate for a private citizen to use defensive violence against a police officer who was carrying out a criminal act. I'd consider this as a weird suicide attempt On 9/27/2014 at 4:42 PM, st434u said: It seems to me that in the financial industry at least, there is little in terms of laws and regulations. I don't know about taxes, though. And is there a lot of welfare? I don't think the russian State is taking on a lot of debt at least, I could be wrong. Some people say that it's incredibly easy to start a business in Russia, because the market is relatively empty and service in general is low. Others say that it's very hard because of bureaucracy and bribes. I don't have any experience on that topic, so can't give you more details, sorry. On 9/27/2014 at 4:42 PM, st434u said: And how is inflation? Inflation is pretty big. USD/RUB rate increased from 33 to 40 roubles since July. Fuel prices go up, groceries are getting more expensive due to the sanctions. What amazes me is that I don't see any panic around this. Nobody seems to care… On 9/27/2014 at 4:42 PM, st434u said: And private crime? And do you see the general trend for these things getting worse, or better? What are the general sentiments about capitalism and liberty versus control and safety? I've been a victim of a crime only once in my life (pickpocketing). But there are no-go neighborhoods and occasional murders in my city. In general, things are slowly getting better. On 9/29/2014 at 10:14 PM, aleles said: Would you guys like to schedule a call to practice talking about philosophy in Russian? I don't want to exclude people who are not comfortable speaking Russian, so we can continue the conversation here on how we can bring FDR to the Russian speaking audience. I created a spreadsheet, please fill out if you would like to join the call https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit?usp=sharing Great! I'm in! I think we can start with small conversations, maybe 3 persons or even 1-on-1, that'd be easier to schedule. I filled in my contact information, please fill free to write and call me. On 10/1/2014 at 7:30 PM, VParkh said: Hi guys! I am that guy that made second subtitles for "The Story of Your Enslavement". I live in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. My whole childhood till 18 years passed in Kamchatka and now I have my last year here in university. I've found Freedomain Radio while I was learning english) I was just serfing internet for some good stuff and came across Stef's video and it interested me. It was half a year ago. I was a supporter of free market but idea of anarcho-capitalism was very wild for me. It took about 4 month for Stef to prove me that anarcho-capitalism is the only good way. Now I've just read RTR and reviewing my own life and relationships. I've found that it's much more difficult and important than talking about politics. Hi VParkh! Nice to meet you. I agree, RTR is much more challenging than economics and politics.
Toren Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 Good day everyone! Today 12/10/2014 at 7 pm Moscow time (3 pm GMT) we had beautiful conversation via Skype with Russian speaking thinkers of FDR community. I'm proud to say that we've come up with monthly calls. The next call would be probably on November 16th 2014 at 3 pm GMT. If anyone is willing to participate in the event please feel free to add me on Skype: TOR3N or contact anyone from this list of participants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit#gid=0 Or leave your Skype name with brief description there. If you know how to speak Russian or at least you understand basic things we discuss please join our Russian speaking community. These calls are an event where we're discussing things which are important to us, FDR related issues, things like promoting FDR among Slavic peoples and miscellaneous stuff. Today's call was mostly about ways of promoting FDR and rationalism to Russian speaking population of this planet. We've decided to make some important moves in fields such as: Making subtitles for Stef's videos. First one you can participate in is here http://notabenoid.com/book/55819/245894 Please help us there. Don't forget to register on this site before suggesting translation. Setting up our own site and Youtube channel. We'll post a topic about it soon. How would it be called? It's up for you to decide! heymanslow's project for audio cover of one of Stef's shows. Please donate for his project as well. So many things related to our own podcasts, making videos and translating books that I can't list all of them here. So much ideas and so little resources we have. So help us if you wish. Всем привет! Сегодня, 12/10/2014 at 7 pm Moscow time (3 pm GMT) у нас состоялась скайп-конференция с господами участвовавшими в этом треде. Мы решили продолжить эту замечательную практику и будем созваниваться примерно раз в месяц. Следующий звонок будет on November 16th 2014 at 3 pm GMT. Любой желающий может присоединиться к нам написав мне на Skype: TOR3N или связавшись с одним из нас, перечисленных в списке: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit#gid=0 Или оставить свои контакты в данной таблице. Если вы умеете говорить по-русски или по крайней мере можете понимать русский - присоединяйтесь. В звонках, таких как прошедший, мы осуждаем то что важно для нас, вопросы связанные с FDR, пути популяризации FDR среди славянских народов и разное. Сегодняшний же звонок был в основном о способах продвижения идей рационализма и FDR для русскоговорящих людей этой планеты. Посему мы порешили следующее: Делать субтитры для существующих шоу Стефа. Первое видео уже доступно для перевода тут http://notabenoid.com/book/55819/245894 Сайт требует регистрации. Запуск сайта Russian speaking FDR community и канала на Youtube. Мы вскоре разместим тут голосование на тему названия для сайта. Проект heymanslow's о дубляже. Множество идей по созданию наших собственных подкастов, видео, переводов и прочего что и не перечислить. Если есть желание и/или возможность помочь - присоединяйтесь!
heymanslow Posted October 12, 2014 Author Posted October 12, 2014 On 10/12/2014 at 8:41 PM, Toren said: heymanslow's project for audio cover of one of Stef's shows. Please donate for his project as well. Please donate BTC to my project here (currently 1/3 complete!): 168pMRR4hj4VxPUghym681Ri3t7wcuiTC2
kakansblakan Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 Hey! I speak Russian. Anyone like to talk on Skype?
Toren Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 On 10/30/2014 at 4:27 PM, kakansblakan said: Hey! I speak Russian. Anyone like to talk on Skype? Sure man, we have Russian skype conference, if you like to join contact me: TOR3N or leave your contact info here.
aleles Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Heads up Russian speakers! We are having another call this Sunday. Contact us if you are interested!
heymanslow Posted December 2, 2014 Author Posted December 2, 2014 Я сделал полную русскую озвучку "The Story of Your Enslavement". Посмотрите и пожалуйста перепостите!
heymanslow Posted March 1, 2015 Author Posted March 1, 2015 We created a Russian-language philosophical website: dobroum.com Check it out (as well as the Доброум Facebook and VK pages! Also, contact me if you'd like to participate.
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