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Wyoming woman hospitalized after exorcism

Alan C.

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Exorcism performed in Riverton [Wyoming] area home

A Riverton area woman was sent to the hospital...after an exorcism attempt reportedly caused her to have a heart attack.

According to Undersheriff Ryan Lee with the Fremont County Sheriff’s
Department, the 911 dispatch center received a call from a residence on
Firethorn Lane stating a 31 year old woman at the home was possessed by a
“Poltergeist” and had stopped breathing after she was sprayed with Holy

Other occupants of the home then attempted to perform an exorcism at
which time they reported the exorcism activity caused her to go into
cardiac arrest.

When deputies arrived the woman was found to be breathing, however
she was taken by ambulance to the Riverton Hospital for unknown reasons.
She was in stable condition when she arrived at the hospital.

The occupants of the home stated that a demon had been in the house
breaking windows and dishes, as well as biting the occupants of the home
for the last two days; they asked a Deputy Sheriff to look into the

Lee said the Deputy was unable to substantiate any criminal activity or that anyone had been bitten.

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Hmm, so these are the kind of debates that happen not on FDR:


What really happened in this Wyoming house? Who knows. But one thing
is certain: a real possession is very serious and tends to have
physical manifestations, thus exorcism is a very serious matter, to be
undertaken only after very sober preparation, and only after all
physical and psychological possibilities have been ruled out by
professionals in medical and psychiatric fields. Not even all Catholic
priests are trained exorcists; in fact, only a few are, in any given
diocese. Those few exorcism-trained priests treat the matter extremely
soberly, perhaps because they come face to face with the reality. The
usual practice is to first spend time (maybe days, or longer)
preparing/strengthening their own souls before attempting to free
another’s. Then, a proper exorcism uses both sacramentals (like holy
water) and prayers (like invoking no less than God Himself). Just as
Jesus Himself did, on His Own authority, exorcists today use both
physical signs and purely spiritual powers, given authority by, and used
in the name of, Jesus the Christ. It is a very, very sober matter; not
to be done lightly as if using lucky charms with a little holy water
and/or name-invoking.



Paul, there are many different kinds of demons, and they are all subject to the Name of Jesus.

Knowing your authority and being known by the Father in Heaven is the
only requirement for casting out fallen angels. They are subject to the
Name above all names. I would agree that preparation is vital, but that
is a daily thing, and we all have the authority to cast out devils, so
long we are born of the Holy Spirit and have had our spirits borne into
the Kingdom of the Father.

Just as the disciples had the authority, so too are those who believe on
Jesus Name, have accepted the free gift of repentance and salvation and
are Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings.

I would most emphatically state that the journalism in this piece is
written/edited by somebody who has very little knowledge of what an
exorcism is or looks like. There are not enough facts or eyewitness
statements from those involved to get any kind of clear picture as to
what the circumstances were leading up to and at the time of this
occurrence. Somebody should go back to journalism school and maybe learn
how to ask a few more basic questions regarding these types of things.

No wonder the comments here, for the most part, reflect the sentiment of
those who neither have a belief system nor world-view which encompasses
the “spirit realm” as being real and not just something which they are
accustomed to seeing at the theaters as being fictitious. They should
maybe get out of their parents’ basements and see what is happening in
the real world!


Comments are so sad sometimes...

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