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What will future jobs look like? TED talk

Mike Fleming

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This one could be an interesting one to comment on.  He talks about the reason for the downturn being droids are taking all the blue collar jobs.  Puts stats up to back them up and posits the solution as a "guaranteed salary for everyone" regardless if they work or not.  Presumably through govt taxation.  It's well-presented but I feel like it's missing a whole bunch of stuff and he's generalised to get the result that he wants.  Might be a good one for Stef to refute....

Economist Andrew McAfee suggests that, yes, probably, droids will take our jobs -- or at least the kinds of jobs we know now. In this far-seeing talk, he thinks through what future jobs might look like

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The use of data and just asserting that the trends were a result of technological improvement was very disappointing. The entire talk was creating a problem through the use of assertions, not stating that the problems could not be solved through market forces and just assuming it, and then asserting that his solution was the best solution to his assertions. I'm not sure what there really is to argue with. This idea that any economists can fix/run any economy needs to seen as what it is: delusional.

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