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RE: Selling the United States

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I'm a bit confused.

on one side:

- You can't claim the land without altering it and making something prodoctive out of it. So by extension someone can't just say hey this continent is now mine (private property) and I want to let it be without human interaction to just preserve it'

on the other side:

- The enviromentalist should buy the land that he wants preserved, and put his money where his words are.


And the question is ? From who does the enviromentalist should buy the land from ? And If he let's it untouched by human hands wouldn't that be considered abandoned ?

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- You can't claim the land without altering it and making something prodoctive out of it. So by extension someone can't just say hey this continent is now mine (private property) and I want to let it be without human interaction to just preserve it'

This illustration was for mineral rights and housing development. Different common law standards would exist for land that you intend to leave unaltered.

- The enviromentalist should buy the land that he wants preserved, and put his money where his words are.

They would follow these different common law standards

And the question is ? From who does the enviromentalist should buy the land from ? And If he let's it untouched by human hands wouldn't that be considered abandoned ?

This is a question I have difficulty with. Even today, people make money and property by theft, bribery, murder, war, and other moral abborations. I do not know how to get public property or unowned property justly into the hands of people. I do agree that you cannot blame someone for the sins of their father, however I do not know how to transistion from the crap we have now into a free, just property society. Who has a right to sell the land? Is it possible to preserve land? with current ideas on homesteading? I do not know. I do know that in time, things will be figured out and some number of generations after this, things will be organized justly for legitimate property ownership.

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well there's where my confusion comes from, The property rights and NAP are sacred, yet I can't really find a definition for the property rights. And there are a lot of aberations that arise when testing scenarios that try to incorporate both.


and also keep in mind that owner of property is free to change his mind on how will he use that property.

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