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Alan Dershowitz on Glenn Greenwald: "He hates America"

Alan C.

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Alan Dershowitz on Glenn Greenwald: "He did this because he hates America"

"Well, it doesn't border on criminality – it's right in the heartland
of criminality. The statute itself, does punish the publication of
classified material, if you know that it's classified," explained the
guest. "Greenwald – in my view – clearly has committed a felony."

Continuing his assessment of the reporter, Dershowitz held little back:

"Greenwald's a total phony. He is anti-American, he loves tyrannical
regimes, and he did this because he hates America. This had nothing to
do with publicizing information."

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Although a US citizen himself, Greenwald lives in Brazil with his partner, because the US doesn't recognize same-sex unions as a basis for a green card.

Talk about losing something, personally, because of the state.


Well, since this Dershowitz guy is saying this on CNN, it's certainly a trial balloon for launching prosecution of Greenwald. I'm pretty certain that Glenn will be better off to be based in Brazil for at least the time being...

Not that I embrace anything at all about the state as it relates to Mr. Greenwald. 

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