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Atheist rap song with lyrics


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Hi everyone. I’d like to share this song with you. It is the first song I’ve released since leaving my career to focus on making music full time. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to spreading rational ideas and philosophy to as many people as possible.

To help achieve this goal. I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the album, Transcend, in which this song, and many more songs that tackle real issues, will appear. If you think this is a worthy endeavor, please back Transcend today. [/font]

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Hi everyone. I’d like to share this song with you. It is the first song I’ve released since leaving my career to focus on making music full time. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to spreading rational ideas and philosophy to as many people as possible.

To help achieve this goal. I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the album, Transcend, in which this song, and many more songs that tackle real issues, will appear. If you think this is a worthy endeavor, please back Transcend today.


Hey I'd love to do a verse on one of your tracks, cross-the-ocean collab?
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Wow great song! I loved it! And School Sucks too. Your words spoke to my childhood frustration with school and religion that carries on to this day. The songs gave me goose bumps listening to them. I went to your site transcend, it said the fundraising is over. It said you were unsuccessful. Sorry to hear that. Is there a place to donate now. I tried to look at your website www.reyshizz.com. It said page can't be displayed. Let me I would like to help some if I could.

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