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Before I make my point, apologies for not tagging. This is a comment on the YouTube video titled "Ending Government Involvement" Published on Jul 1, 2013.  I am not sure what FDR number to tag.

I would like offer some constructive criticism with regards to some of the comments that Stefan made toward the end of this video. Before I do this, however I would like to make it clear that I am a true anarcho-capitalist and support Stefan 100%. I agree with more of his views than anyone else who speaks publicly on these issues. Of all the people I follow that I recommend to new recruits I place Stefan in the top 3 alongside Larken Rose and James Corbett (The Corbett Report). There is however, one other person who I just discovered yesterday that opened my eyes even further. I think this person maybe able to teach us all something new and fresh and that may include Stefan himself. His name is Kal Molinet.

So my criticism is this: After watching this video:


with Kal Molinet and Ben Lowrey (hat tip) and then subsequently watching the "Ending Gov. Involvement" video, I think Stefan may be hugely underestimating the percentage of people actually capable of critical thinking (the figure he estimates is 1 in 10,000). My reasoning being that the numbers we come up with are hugely dependent not only on the content of the argument but on the style and delivery of it. It also depends hugely on what country you live in too. This does not then give the listener a true and accurate perspective on the challenge that lies ahead of them. One could boil it down to simply a positivie approach vs a negative one. I am from one of the most statist parts of the UK, Northern Ireland and my personal experience is closer to 1 in 100, maybe even 1 in 25 and my approach is not even that positive.

For example, if one were to present the facts to 10,000 people in an aggressive or frustrated style the number of converts would most likely be near 1 in 10,000. If however one were to present the exact same facts in a positive and welcoming style I would be amazed if this ratio were not much lower, maybe 1 in 100. Kal has a few other videos where he encourages to people to ask him why voting is immoral. Kal was able to recruit 25 people to his liberty party through his argument and Im pretty sure he did not have to speak to anywhere near 250,000 people to achieve this. What I'm really trying to say is lets follow Kal Molinets example and show people how wonderful and powerful anarchy is so that they are drawn to the beautiful light of anarchism as opposed to trying to scare them from the darkness of the state.

We can also bear in mind that its not simply a case of you either having critical thinking or not. Everyone's critical abilities are different ranging from total brain dead zombie to total anarchist.

I think we all need to keep at the forefront of our minds the ultimate goal. And that is to reach a tipping point of public consciousness by changing as many peoples minds as quickly as possible. Ranting at people might very well take 100 years. Inviting them to a liberty party might take 1 year, who knows!

Anyway, keep up the good work Stefan and I hope this can be some good food for thought.

Peace, Love and Anarchy




After listening to this interview, I'd really love to see Stef doing an interview with him to get more information about how he does what he does and what the success rate is and such things.Sounds really great and interesting. Thanks for sharing that :)

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