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Teaching myself Java. Anyone on here done the same and have any advice?

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Currently, teaching myself Java and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for teaching yourself.  I've done some super-simple programs and am now working on two programs, one that outputs the nth Fibonacci number and one that lists prime factors and they're both tripping me up.  Obviously, those are still very basic and thus have a lot of work to do.  I get that this isn't a Java site, but there are some technologically inclined people on here and I was just looking for advice on teaching yourself.  Favorite websites, books, youtubers, seminars etc. 

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Currently, teaching myself Java and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for teaching yourself. 


Heya! that sounds great! I've been working on learning Python myself. I'd say you've taken a good step in reaching out to other people for help and support. Maybe we could keep in touch and check on eachother's progress :D

for actual advice... well I've been finding lots of free books/ online tutorials and picking out the best of those. I've also been keeping a notebook with my progress to help me manage the "project" of learning to program.

I think you'd do well to work on a project that solves some problem you want solved. It doesn't even have to be a problem that hasn't been solved, it could just be one that you want solved in your own way.

For example I'm starting on a project to process text files and add spaces between Chinese "words"... which is hard because Chinese words aren't well defined like English words. There are programs that do this, but they are hard to use and don't work in exactly the way I want them to so I've made it a project to make a program that does this in a user-friendly (or at least me-friendly) way.

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When I decided to learn Java a couple years ago, as someone who programmed for a hobby off and on for 15 years, I picked up this book and found it useful:http://www.amazon.com/Core-Java-Volume-I--Fundamentals-Edition/dp/0132354764/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372990647&sr=8-1

Good luck!

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I've been a Java developer since 2001.

I recommend studying the Java programmer certification literature to get a solid grounding in the principles. Then move on to tackling real world problems.

You could probably pick up a book that covers this really cheap, no need for the latest editions.

Developers who don't learn the principles but learn on the job, tend to end up with a poor apreciation of Java and turn out bad code.

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If you want to learn Java to build android apps you can take the Team Treehouse course on Android. They have a series on Java as part of that course.


I have only heard good things about Team Treehouse and while it's not free, it's probably the way I'd go if I was just starting out.


And that's totally awesome that you want to get into programming. Good for you :)

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