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Adam Kokesh, Arrested Again.

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I feel defeated. Not that Adam Kokesh is a hero of mine, but in my opinion he is a good guy. I think he does needlessly put himself in harms way but I don't want to see him locked up. I don't want to see anyone locked up. Not that I expect our violent warrior culture to be any different, I really would like to see change start to happen. 

I've begun trying to avoid Adam Kokesh news, and violence in the media in general (meaning I read next to nothing called "news" any more). There has to be some positive news out there. Some positive change. I know my life is in a general positive trend right now. I'm making a tiny little difference in my neck of the woods. Please tell me there are others out there being the change they want to see. 

Am I alone in feeling saddened and afraid when someone like Adam gets arrested, over and over again?

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I like Adam, but I don't see how civil disobedience offers anything positive to anyone. It makes those of us who understand what's happening very anxious and concerned, and it makes other people who don't understand upset and angry.


He's just running up to a big bully and blowing raspberries in it's face...

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