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How to handle a coworker who advocates initiating violence AGAINST ME


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Regarding one of Stef's suggestions to ask the person if they advocated initiating violence "AGAINST ME" and to never forget to add the phrase "AGAINST ME".   Sorry I don't recall the podcast number.

I did that with a close co-worker when a discussion on the drug war ended with my asking "so.....if you found me smoking a plant you would personally throw me in a cage?"  He replied 'Yes' and he proceeded to explain why.    Then I repeated my question a few mins later to be sure I understood him and got the same answer.

I was shocked and still reeling from someone saying that to me.  The funny thing is...I've never tried any drug...not even when I was young.

I'm a bit scared in that it feels like I am at the edge of a cliff staring into an evil place.   I want to stay away from him but we need to work together, at least sometimes.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?




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Guest darkskyabove

One possible reaction is to come up with something that this person does, or might do, that could be subjected to the same rationale. Then the ball's in your court: you can "advocate" throwing their ass in a cage; though I would try very hard to be diplomatic, yet firm.

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Uh, I lost control of my keyboard, went to edit the post, and the edit time had past before I could fix the post, and I lost what I said. Anyway.

I would suggest not approaching the relationship from a personal level, but rather have it only be business only. I'd also advice to be careful debating philosophical matters at work, as they can drastically change how you percieve your work environment. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much to the people who took time to reply.   I apologize for the late reply of my own....between vacation and the FDR web site redesign it took me a while.


My coworker and I have not spoken much since this incident.   Its been brewing for a while since I realize his right-wing "freedom" views are simply another form of tyranny.      I'm going to post something else in the "movies" forum around a way to deal with it.


Thanks again

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