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Philosophy, Religion, and Spirituality


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Pepin: I'm not sure how I can define terms and expand the question... do you have an example of what you think I mean? Sorry I'm still learning how to talk :P

Andrew79: Wikipedia says The term spirituality lacks a definitive definition. To me spirituality isn't belief in fantasy. Religion could be organised spirituality based on one person's or a group of people's spirituality I think though.

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Andrew79: Wikipedia says The term spirituality lacks a definitive definition. To me spirituality isn't belief in fantasy. Religion could be organised spirituality based on one person's or a group of people's spirituality I think though.

I know, I looked it up before posting. But if you're not going to define what you mean by it, then discussion is difficult as different people could be taking it to mean different things.

And I believe my definition sums it up. As you don't agree you need to state what you mean by it otherwise there's little point debating it.

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Philosophy are claims about reality through empiricism.

Religion claims are opposed to reality as they are anti-empirical, therefore they cannot be philosophical.

Spirit is a general concept in regards to the mind that describes overall well-being and affects long term development. A study of the spirit could be done internally by analyzing the subtle processes of the internal world, or could be done through feedback from an external source trained in psychology or a similar discipline. 

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