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Avoiding Crowded Teeth: an important message for parents

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I'm making some programs for a parenting blog called ethicalparents.com. It's all quite formative at the moment and under construction.
My latest program is about the importance of feeding children plenty of raw fruit and veggies so that they develop normally. Breast feeding probably helps as well. Sources are given.
To view the program click this link or try the media player below:



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Interesting. What I'd find helpful in the video is an explanation of the results. Why would a diet of soft foods cause this effect? Why would a diet of raw fruits and vegetables not cause this effect?


Hi, thanks for watching.


My video tries to be brief and to the point and I give the sources on the channel so that people can look deeper. It seems I could of been more explicit about the mechanism.


As various of my sources show, cooking reduces the need for chewing because it softens food and the jaws need to be chewing in order to grow properly. In much the same way if you confine a growing child to bed for many years it will not use it's legs and they will not develop fully.


Perhaps I will add some notes to the program. Thanks for pointing this out. 

Also read the quotes at 1:42 which explain the cause/effect relationship.

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