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Questions about Board Upgrade


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1) I really liked seeing on the right column when I used to log in not just the latest topics, but the threads with the most recent replies. Is there still a way to set it up so I see that there?


2) I also really liked seeing a list of the threads I've been involved in on the right column? Is there any way to set that up again?


3) I see in Content I Follow when I click on my username at the top left that the system does still have a record of the threads I was following (and I assume these are the ones I was subscribed to). But I haven't gotten an email update when a new post was made to one of those threads today. Is it correct that the subscriptions were maintained, but the email notifications were all disabled and have to be set back up by the user?

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1) I really liked seeing on the right column when I used to log in not just the latest topics, but the threads with the most recent replies. Is there still a way to set it up so I see that there?


2) I also really liked seeing a list of the threads I've been involved in on the right column? Is there any way to set that up again?


3) I see in Content I Follow when I click on my username at the top left that the system does still have a record of the threads I was following (and I assume these are the ones I was subscribed to). But I haven't gotten an email update when a new post was made to one of those threads today. Is it correct that the subscriptions were maintained, but the email notifications were all disabled and have to be set back up by the user?

1) Top right corner there is a link to "View New Content". Clicking the dot on the left of a forum link takes you to the most recent unread post in the forum.


2+3) You'll want to spend some time in the notification options. You can set it up to email you updates or go into your notification center based on a variety of types of interactions, including emails if you would like. I haven't worked it all out totally, but it should be able to do what you want.

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1) Top right corner there is a link to "View New Content". Clicking the dot on the left of a forum link takes you to the most recent unread post in the forum.


Yes I see that. I know I can get the information by clicking around. But I used to have that right there on the right column when I signed in and that was always where I looked first every time I visited. Right now I have "Recent Topics" on the right column. It has an X in the corner so I can supposedly take that out of the column. So it seemed that the right column on the main screen is somewhat customizable. I'd really like to be able to see the most recent posts, not just recent topics, on that right column if it's possible.


And I'd also like to be able to see the list of threads I've been active in in that right column if possible, just as I used to have it in the old system.


For me the right column sections that showed my threads and the most recent posts (not just topics) were the most useful tools. I used them every time I visited and having them right there on the main screen when I logged in was extremely convenient.


2+3) You'll want to spend some time in the notification options. You can set it up to email you updates or go into your notification center based on a variety of types of interactions, including emails if you would like. I haven't worked it all out totally, but it should be able to do what you want.


I know but the old system already was emailing all the notifications. I used to get an email immediately upon every post to a thread I was subscribed to. Am I correct that the subscriptions are still in the system - it still remembers which threads I was subscribed to - but the email notifications just got wiped? Or is it possible that this will get fixed again over the last stages of the upgrade and I should just sit tight?


Update: OK I just updated my overall notification settings so hopefully that will solve it and I'll start getting notified like before. So hopefully that will clear up question #3 from above.

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Hey STer,


Re: 3) Email notification preferences needed to be configured in the new board as those specific settings were not carried over.  Sorry for the hassle, but hopefully everything should work now that it's been set up once again.


Re: 1 and 2) I'd like to re-add these features again, and it's definately on the to-do list. It should be possible, it's just a question of how complicated it will be to reinstate. I don't have a timetable, but we're looking into it.


Thanks for the feedback. :)

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Thanks MMD.


I really hope you can set up #1 and 2. Those were really prime features for me. Every time I came I'd go right to those lists on the right column.


One more question. How do we embed videos, especially non-YouTube videos which have embed code on them? I don't even see the add media button, only an add image button and a My Media button. But nothing that looks like it lets us embed video. Is that just not set up yet or am I overlooking how to do it?

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Also the email notifications are working for me now, except one thing I notice. I used to get an email notification of my own posts to a thread I am subscribed to too (and since I auto-subscribe to any thread I post in, that would be every post I made). But now I get them for others, but not my own. I take it you set it up so people don't get the emails about their own posts? Personally I kind of liked getting them for a couple reasons. But it's obviously no big deal. Just curious if this was a conscious setting.

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Right, so the old board automatically subscribed you to topics when you replied unless you specifically unchecked the "email" link at the bottom.  The new board does not automatically subscribe you to a thread, though you can do that one of two ways: you can click on "More Reply Options" below and make sure "Follow this topic?" is checked, or you can click "Follow this topic" near the top-right of the page in the main view of the topic.


You can also change the setting in your profile, by clicking on "My Settings" and "Notification Options," select "Auto follow topics I reply to," changing "Notification Frequency" to something other than "None."


I personally do not want email notifications so this level of flexibility is very nice :)



Oh wait, I misunderstood you then... that I don't know. I suspect that the software doesn't see notifying you of your own posts as a thing to do.


Most of these things weren't conscious decisions of changes to be made, just differences in the way the old software works compared with the new.

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I noticed that many of the previous forum sections are gone (eg. law enforcement), but it appears that those sections have been merged. Is that correct?


I merged Law Enforcement into current events since it seems most of the posts are about situations that have just occurred. We had way way too many forums before and I wanted simplify things where possible.  If you have any feedback or suggestions about how I could improve things further, whether adding or subtracting sections, please do let me know!

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When I click "view new content," I am not getting the latest content. I either get a blank page, or few posts may sometimes be listed, but definitely not everything that has been posted on a given day.




Are you making sure you have the right parameters checked on the left column there as far as the time frame and whether to only show items you follow, etc.? At first I was having the same type of issue, until I played with those. And the options under Other can be checked on or off. So if any of them are checked, try clicking on that one to turn the check off. That might help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really hope you can set up #1 and 2. Those were really prime features for me. Every time I came I'd go right to those lists on the right column.

I also would like a return of these features.  I'm not interested in e-mail notifications, just the lists.



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