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Suggestion: Editing


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I was thinking about this a lot and I have seen it on other forms that when a post is edited that it shows what time it was edited number of times edited and a reason for editing. (Some even show the original post) 

I think this would be useful on fdr because it gives the opportunity to show your thinking process/self knowledge process to others so they can be more aware of what is happening for you  :)

Thank you for reading

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This is of course just my personal preference about something that I shouldn't care about that much, but having to give a reason for editing is a feature I absolutely despise. Also, having a time period where you are no longer able to edit a post also annoyed me quite a lot.


I tend to edit my posts quite a bit, mostly to fix spelling/grammar mistakes, some of the time to rephrase or make something I wrote more clear, and some minority of the time expand or add something new to my post. I can't say the previous edit feature would be useful for anyone looking at my posts, nor do I have much curiosity to see the original post, but some might find it useful.

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