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Arizona: Cop fired after pointing gun at store clerk (video)

Alan C.

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Kyle James McCartin: Off-duty Arizona cop fired after arrest for pulling gun on store clerk

 Tucson, Ariz., police officer has been fired after authorities say he pulled a gun on a gas station attendant while off duty and apparently intoxicated.


The Pima County Sheriff's Department notified Tucson police that 23-year-old Kyle James McCartin was arrested early Tuesday on two counts of aggravated assault.


Deputies were called to a Giant Gas Station and learned two men who appeared very intoxicated entered the store wearing bulletproof vests.


Authorities say one of the men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the clerk twice.


Deputies found the men at a nearby apartment complex and the clerk identified McCartin as the man with the gun.


Police say McCartin was hired in September and was on probationary status.



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Technical note for journalists: You may want to hold off adding the phrase "cop fired" to your word processor's grammar checker because it's a rare fluke that's not likely to happen very often. Better that such a mistake is wavy underlined as usual in case you accidentally type something so silly in the future!

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