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Interview Suggestions


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Hi here are some interview suggestions


James Gilligan - the prison guy who has rehabilitated sociopaths

Robert Hare - guy who designed the psychopathy test and believes that psychopaths only use rehabilitation as an opportunity to learn how to manipulate people better


Robert Scaer - Neurologist and World Leading Expert on the effects of Trauma, he can talk about ways of reversing trauma


Alfie Kohn - Progressive Pedagogue Extraordinaire, wonderful guy!


Naomi Aldort - Mixes Mindfulness and Parenting


Nathaniel Branden Again - but this time talk about how to raise your self esteem with him instead of libertarian politics


Freud and Jung round table - make a seance and get them.

Isabella - on what it is like being Stef's daughter :woot: :woot: :woot:  and on amphibians since she i an expert in this field

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