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The REAL story of our enslavement


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the real story of our enslavement
from Dead Alive to you 

This is the real story of our enslavement.
 Up to now, all forms of social organization from the dictatorship of one man, to the dictatorship of a few families to the dictatorship of a small bureaucratic elite or
 to the dictatorship  that has been internalized, are all only a consequence to the real reasons of our enslavement.
 Dictatorship, the use of force against  the a majority, has always been, and will always be. And there are only two ways to escape. The first,  is to sneak out in the middle of the night (with family if you wish) and find your way to a small atoll or key or island somewhere, and live on an island in the Philippines or Indonesia.. No doubt this is possible and in fact, it is the only possibility of truly living "off the grid" .  But as it is suited to nearly no one, we must look at the other option.
  And that option is more difficult to explain, and will be open to instant mis understanding; but in a word , it is to awaken. Awaken not to the facts of your enslavement, for that also is only something mental and conceptual; to awaken here means nothing less than enlightenment, and enlightenment, on one level or another is operative,  , meaning that after one has the knowledge of ones enslavement, one must find a way of living that minimizes contact with your masters, while staying within the bounds of your society, which you most likely do not want to leave anyway.
To awaken will look to many as resignation and weakness but in fact it is just the opposite.To awaken is to understand that things are as they should be and the present system that can seem so brutal and unjust is in fact the system that best suits the the majority of people; otherwise the system would cease to exist tomorrow. 
To awaken means that you will pay your taxes and watch your tax dollars go to schools and armies that you know hurts people, and you will not feel anger; you will in fact, be polite and kind and generous to those that are forcing your hand; and you will be this way because you know that they too on their own level , are no less aware, and certainly no less miserable than the the others. 
If you are walking down the street and an a cat runs across your path and almost makes you trip, you are not likely to get angry at the cat, since the cat does not know any better; similarly, when you must obey a few rules, which you know are unjust and cause pain, you will not get angry. You will not close your eyes to the truth of the matter, but you know that by getting angry and protesting is useless. The system we have works for the majority. Besides, the present dictatorship has made ample space for the "controlled opposition" and they being keen on understanding that the majority will go about their lives and pay their taxes and trust the state, rest easy.
Therefore, those who have awoken, in the true sense of the word, are going to appear to other sheep as just another sheep. But this will not matter to the awakened one; his mind and feelings are elsewhere. He has read between all the lines of history and he knows that the most wise and most contented of men have always been those that have simply...withdrawn from all public battles, and he knows that in fact, battling the powers that be, is just a form of avoiding the work of awakening to the joy of living life.And he has seen that almost to a man, all those who have fought the powers that be, the "freedom fighters "and obtained for himself some power, quickly turned into the very thing he fought against; he becomes the next generation of bullies.
This is the real story of why there is injustice in this world, and why the only fight is to not fight. or rather, the only fight is against the true slave driver; and we are our own slave driver. This is thus, not a story for the masses; it is a preface  for the tiny tiny minority who understand  the dictator in themselves, and the sheep in themselves,  and whose only goal is to learn to never impose his will  on others and to not be affected when others try to impose their will on him.
There is no other freedom beyond this.Those that spend their life trying to understand and change the mechanisms of external power , that is to say, those who are "political" are no less duped than the sheep who understand nothing.
Those that truly wish to awaken and not be dominated and bullied by the powers that be, must first gain intellectual understanding; after that they can make their knowledge operative and take the necessary steps to minimizing their contact with bullying  powers; this requires first and foremost to understand that even the most rebellious and anarchistic and soul searching people are under the yoke of ideas that their oppressors have indoctrinated into them. Those in history that have always stood strongest against the dictatorial powers had some sort of concept that this life here, while pleasant and wonderful was not necessarily the whole picture; this is not to say they believed in the  idea of an afterlife and a heaven, and that if they were good boys and girls here and now they could go to heaven; a concept that there is something larger than this life here, or rather that their life here was in some way directly connected to all other life forms, even connected to the stars, we might call" religious" or we might call it "metaphysical;" it does not mean that those who wish to awaken need join an organized religion, but it does mean to first accept the idea that organized  religion has both an external aspect and an internal aspect; the external aspects are just part and parcel or the dictatorial bullies, the state in power,  and this is why the church and state are usually so intertwined  though out history; what is necessary then is to realize that the original seed of religion was was not political; the original seed of religion was to help man awaken. And there are still men in todays world who know this and ignore all external aspects of religion and consequently ignore or can see through all the trickery of the  the church and the state.
 These men of very wide vision are powerful, and the state fears them,  and this is one reason that the theory of evolution is indoctrinated into us, not as a theory but as an absolute fact; for by replacing a vertical dimension to our thinking..a dimension that  look up toward some sort of higher power, the state is undercutting  mans ability to feel and know the larger picture; after all, the theory of evolution is also a highly political theory to say the least. It serves as a complete justification for the states Machiavellian behavior. 
  As for the truth of the theory of evolution, one only has to ask where did the first material come from? Asking the same question from a  cosmological angle , we would ask, what came before the "big bang?" In essence these theories and so many others that are now take on faith, does not really answer the fundamental question of our origins. 
Most rebels and anarchists and free thinkers are not so free after all; have they ever questioned if the earth is really round? Why do they believe it is? Because they have seen pictures. True, but who released those pictures into the public domain? The state. The same with all the supposed proof of the theory of evolution and so on. In a word, even the most radical rebels and anti statist people are living on faith, since they themselves have never investigated these things first hand.
In truth though, these are just examples and it is not necessary to know our earthly origins, or whether god exists or whether  their is alien life in order to awaken... The only thing necessary 
to be continued (and edited....


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Very good ideas!  I have never before seen written paragraphs so well tuned to these philosophical ideas.


The last bit about evolution is slightly presumptuous and needs work.  The state is just beginning influencing, leveraging and weaponizing the theory of evolution, I suspect only because it can't eradicate the theory in favor of more effective mechanisms of control.

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Sounds almost reminiscent of some of the ideas expressed by Samual E. Konkin in his papers about Agorism.  We are only trapped by the state to the extent that we allow ourselves to be trapped.  The state can never have enough enforcers to keep everyone in line all of the time.  For its dominance to work, it requires that we accept the status quo without resistence.


But we can choose to resist by embracing counter-economics through black and gray markets as alternatives to the legal (white) markets the state prefers.  And every counter-economic exchange reduces the control the state has and the taxes collected. 





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If you doubt the earth is round I suggest you get on a high flying plane, flying over a ocean and look out the window. I would also suggest reading "The greatest show on earth" by Richard Dawkins for an explanation of evolution.



"The state is just beginning influencing, leveraging and weaponizing the theory of evolution, I suspect only because it can't eradicate the theory in favor of more effective mechanisms of control."

I don't understand what you mean here, how is the state weaponizing the theory of evolution? I guess its not like their weaponizing of the theory of gravity using it to create accurate weapons, launching spy satellites and ICBMs etc. but maybe my imagination is limited?

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I "suspect"...I suspected correctly, that i would be misunderstood. All three of you have completely misunderstood what i wrote, but this is normal: people can not see beyond their present  level of understanding...so they see what they want to see... 


i "suggest" that you go back and read more carefully; I am not saying that the earth is not round, nor am i advocating the theory of evolution.....and nor am I speaking of economics

p.s. so  I wonder if you can read it again and try to hear what the writers main points are? Try not to focus on the details and examples..... 

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Argument is posted


No one understands it


Must be everyone else's fault of course, not the argument. After all, the argument was perfectly easy to understand.


You guys need to have empathy with me who is posting my argument, while I continue to not understand how things look from your perspective.


My argument makes perfect sense and is perfectly logical. Others don't make sense.


After all, who else could perfectly use fallacious arguments from anti-authority to disprove known truths such as evolution or the earth being round!? (idk if this font has an interabang character)


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correct...you three misunderstand...but it is not your fault. it is probably your age and certainly  your inability to understand my ideas which you have never been exposed to...i can tell by your mis reading my post.


the fact that there are those who can understand exactly what i said, means that it is not necessary my "fault" 


but notice how you are putting such power in the numbers: three against one..

if it was only yoou who misunderstood and three that did understand, would you be so confident?

and p.s again...i am not claiming that the earth is not round...quote me where i say that the earth is not round. 


please be careful how you read...and as for  disproving "known truths" they are known to you because of books you read...or perhaps you have read nothing on evolution...you take it on faith...unless you have been in the field and dug up the bones and even then.....


a fact is a fact and the interpretation is a whole different thing.... for example, you see me angry...that is a fact; but why am i angry? your interpretation could be wrong or right....

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correct...you three misunderstand...but it is not your fault. it is probably your age and certainly  your inability to understand my ideas which you have never been exposed to...i can tell by your mis reading my post.

This is the part that I do not get. I think in all of your posts I have read, you have demeaned someone (I think, definitely not able to prove it). You claim superior knowledge and then cannot explain it without leveling ad hominem what your position is or where I may be misunderstanding. If you think I misunderstand, then instead of explaining or asking for clarification of what I don't get, you talk about where you think the incapability of knowledge comes from. I think you very much need to analyze how you communicate with people. You may have great ideas, but attacking people turns them off.


You seem to misunderstand my post. It wasn't a logical argument, but a parody of an interesting outside look of the situation. There is the obvious hypocrisy of you misunderstanding my post while claiming I misunderstood yours. Mine was a bit of a joke, you decided to throw out conclusions about why I might be mentally incapable of understanding because you think I am young or something.


Finally, you have literally no idea what I know or what I do not know because you have not asked. drawing conclusions of mental incompetence is a rather ridiculous assumption to make for someone claiming to have perfect arguments. There is a strange laughability to the person who claims to have the perfect argument, only others cannot understand it.

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I am feeling quit annoyed and a bit angry by your presumption.


Well the true meaning of you text is that using periods in texts is bad and should be avoided at all cost.


Your text is messy and difficult to read because you use very few periods so its super long sentences covering several topics. The texts is in several places impossible to read:

"Dictatorship, the use of force against  the a majority, has always been, and will always be."

What does this mean?


Also nobody said you supported evolution which is why you should read up on it, because evolution is a fact. It will likely help you shed that religious nonsense.


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