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Childhood trauma & schizophrenia

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This TED Talk by Eleanor Longden covers how she started hearing voices while attending college, how bad it got, and how she realized the voices were echoing her childhood trauma. She aruges that "an important question in psychiatry shouldn't be 'What's wrong with you?' but rather, 'What's happened to you?'"


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I like this video quite a lot. It reminds me quite a lot of IFS, though she seems to put it more in terms of abnormality. Being a person who has spent most of my life observing people, I would put forward that most people are fragmented, and that they associate any voice or impulse with themselves.

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I recently heard a nice King College's debate on that topic with people arguing from both sides. If you ever wish to hear it as well (and have an hour to do so) here's the link:





One of the speakers clearly has a conflict of interests since his child developed schizophrenia 'even though he was a very good parent' and I don't know up to which extent that may be troublesome in his debating, but I deem the rest fine and well positioned.

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