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DREAM: My mecosystem hotel is closing.


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Just took an afternoon nap and had this revelation of a dream, thought I would share.



Background:I just spent time at the coast and I spend A LOT of time in hotels. I just recieved a very sincere complement from an important person and believed I completely screwed up my reaction.Dream: I am driving along a coast when I realize that I am running out of gas. I pull over into what first is a gas station but later turns out to be a hotel. The place is a disaster. Dirty, fenced off like a closed place, unkept, driveway is crumbling. There is only one old lady working the front counter, and two young hoddlums running around in the courtyard. The kids notice me approach and begin taunting me.I ask to check in and the receptionist tells me to get out of here. I am confused. She points to the two kids in the courtyard and tells me that they're in charge of this place, there's nothing she can do. I look at her and ask her if it's only those two kids. She tells me there's a whole gang of them. The kids run around the courtyard teasing me. "we have you now," "you're ours buddy," "you're not going anywhere." She tells me that she's really sorry about what's going to happen, but if it makes me feel any better, they are going to close soon.At some point the rest of the gang shows up. They are a dirty gang of kids. They take complete control. They will not allow me to leave. They take me and my stuff to a dirty room with two beds and a small television. They wish me a good night, but that they're not going anywyere. They're going to be watching me. I am very afraid for the unknown. As I close the door to my room I realize it does not close. I try to close it agian and realize it does not move. There is a small crack in the door through which I cannot see. I look through the view hole and see all of the gang members faces looking back at me. They are all on the other side of the door, they are holding the door ajar. I consider calling for help, but never make the call. To show others how bad the hotel is, I get my camera out and hold it to the view hole and begin recording video. Time passses by and my camera shows 6 minutes of video with their faces looking at me through the viewer, unchanged. Defeated, I sit down on the bed and consider my situation.Partially joking, and partially serious, I ask at the gang through the door if there is any internet available. As a response I get a note with "$360" hand written on it. I don't give them the money, but I also don't call them out on their scam. I actually consider playing along with by giving them the money and seeing their reaction. For some reason I expect them to panic when they realize that I actually expect internet service after paying a very large price of money quoted on a hand written note. But I do not pay.I settle down to a sort of very strange normalcy. Later the door opens slightly and a hand reaches into my room and flicks off the light switches next to the door. A voice says "hey man, some of us are going to bed but just so you know we're still going to be here watching you."I then wake up.


I haven't had vivid dreams in a long time, and this one was very vivid. As of the last couple years I've had some control over my dreams (especially nightmares), and I had no awareness in this dream. I could say this is the first 'nightmare' I've had in a very long time, but I get so much value from nightmares that I really can't call them 'nightmares' any more.


I thought I had a decent relationship to my mecosystem, but the feedback I think i just recieved was drastically different.


Does anybody have any ideas on how to salvage this relationship before I lose it, if I will can lose it? Any ideas on how to make it better?

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Just a quick update: The next night I had a much more enjoyable dream, with references to the releasing of bindings and connection, so things may be up on up-and-up.Flake and I had the conversation, and he was correct that it would have been WAY too long for the forum. I decided to stop the process before completion and did not find value in what little I was able to accomplish.

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That's a shame, it's a vivid & fascinating dream. One small part that I latched on to was the '360 dollars' charged request for internet access. For me, numbers are very important in my dreams so if it were my dream, the 1st thing I would explore would be the concept of 'coming full circle' (or 360°) and how that might fit in to what's been going on with self-exploration. To further that theory, holding a camera up to a peephole in order to record children 'watching' you seems to me to be intensely symbolic



I get my camera out and hold it to the view hole and begin recording video. Time passses by and my camera shows 6 minutes of video with their faces looking at me through the viewer, unchanged.



'Minutes' are a demarcation of a circle (degrees/minutes/seconds)


Interestingly, you do not try to engage the children standing guard outside your door in any kind of dialog, ask them why they are watching you so carefully, etc. After enough time passes, some of them tire of the guard watch and leave, while others stay on. Very interesting, seriously that's quite intriguing.


(Again, if it were my dream) I would speculate and explore the possibility of this being a very helpful and crafty dream, one in which your internal family/mecosystem is letting you know it's aware of the processes you're going through trying to access/heal them in a positive way.

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