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John Kerry: 'This Little Thing Called the Internet ... Makes It Much Harder to Govern'

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I read this aticle and couldn't help but laugh. :D


What I took from it is that Mr Kerry is getting frustrated because people are not listening to government propaganda and it is getting harder to control the masses. If he thinks the internet is causing him trouble, just wait until he finds out about meshnets. :woot:


Yes, you could jam the wireless signal, but that would only shut down part of the network. You would need multiple devices everywhere that the network exists to comletely shut it down. This becomes very difficult when we think of the network as being city, state, country, or wold wide. Also, the jamming could be bypassed by changing the the frequency of the wireless signal. The jammers would need to be adjusted to compensate for the altered frequency, and then the networks signal would just be changed again.


In my opinion, the internet's future will consist of privately owned satilites that act as relay nodes to distribute data throughout the network. Right now you can send your own satelite into space. Given that space is now privitized, it's just a matter of time before nerds like myself start setting up their own internet.


I have some friends who talk about any kind of revolution consisting of primarily an armed course of events, but I think any revolution would be best served and most effective done through utilizing the virtual world. Computer technology will do more for the cause of resisting the various tyrannies being exerted on us from government than any modern, lethal weapon.   


I have to admit after reading the article i absolutely loved the part where John Kerry says :"It makes it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people, much harder to find the common interest," said Kerry, "and that is complicated by a rise of sectarianism and religious extremism that is prepared to employ violent means to impose on other people a way of thinking and a way of living that is completely contrary to everything the United States of America has ever stood for. So we need to keep in mind what our goals are and how complicated this world is that we’re operating in." 

Now as someone who uses the internet a lot, i feel like the only true thing he said in that entire quote was that it makes it harder to govern.  the internet makes it much easier to organize, easier to find common interest so where he gets that idea from is beyond my tiny brain.  And the irony in the most militarily involved empire around saying that religious extremism is trying to employ violent means to impost their way of thinking and living on people (which of course he is saying is bad, but American Empiricism=Great!), is so beautifully  hypocritical i couldn't help but laugh as i read it.  ahhh gotta love them politicians right? or well... errm.. maybe at least pity them? nope still no? well hell who am i kidding politicians are the modern equivalent leeches as a medical cure for diseases or bad thoughts. 

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