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nudity etc privacy


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i just watched that video nudity, privacy and shame, and i was very surprised to hear stef espouse anti-nudity views ....


he said, some things are better done in private etc, you shouldnt be naked in front of your kids, but he didnt give any reasons why. what are the reasons ?


i feel the opposite, that nudity is perfectly natural, and that clothes are the oddity. i think that shame is a negative emotion and that feeling any kind of shame about your own body, in any way, is a very poor way of looking at yourself, and can only be bad for you. how about some pride ?!


baby cows see their parents naked all the time, as do monkeys, and fish, and birds, and all the other animals. why is it that people so often think that young humans will be damaged in some way by exposure to nudity or sexuality? i disagree completely with this notion, and feel that the damage is done by the very act of hiding it away, or by teaching children that nudity is somehow wrong and something to be ashamed of.


why shouldnt a child see their parents naked? or vice versa? why shouldnt anyone see anyone naked ?


influence of religion if you ask me, thats why! is stef secretly an uptight mormon ?




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i just watched that video nudity, privacy and shame, and i was very surprised to hear stef espouse anti-nudity views ....


he said, some things are better done in private etc, you shouldnt be naked in front of your kids, but he didnt give any reasons why. what are the reasons ?


i feel the opposite, that nudity is perfectly natural, and that clothes are the oddity. i think that shame is a negative emotion and that feeling any kind of shame about your own body, in any way, is a very poor way of looking at yourself, and can only be bad for you. how about some pride ?!


baby cows see their parents naked all the time, as do monkeys, and fish, and birds, and all the other animals. why is it that people so often think that young humans will be damaged in some way by exposure to nudity or sexuality? i disagree completely with this notion, and feel that the damage is done by the very act of hiding it away, or by teaching children that nudity is somehow wrong and something to be ashamed of.


why shouldnt a child see their parents naked? or vice versa? why shouldnt anyone see anyone naked ?


influence of religion if you ask me, thats why! is stef secretly an uptight mormon ?

Privacy =/= Shame was his point.


He was not anti-nude. Nudity is fine, but that also doesn't mean that setting reasonable boundaries is not appropriate. He specifically said there was nothing wrong with nudity in itself.


He claimed there was a false dichotomy between nude at all times and shaming the children.


You have asserted that my changing in the bathroom somehow means that the body is something to be ashamed of when I just want reasonable privacy. If you can prove this, then we can talk about implications. So far you have only asserted that if you are not nude, then you are shaming a child's view of their body which seems odd to me, as well as bordered on ad hominem by calling Stef an "uptight mormon".


I also think that there is a big difference between nudity and sexuality. Before children are ready, they should not be exposed to sexuality. The point of nudity being normal or acceptable in a nudist sense is that it is acceptable or normal to be nude and that it is not sexual in nature. If a parent is nude and acting in a sexual nature around a young child- with the child or with someone else around the child- I would call this abusive.


If nudity is normal or accepted it should not be sexual in nature.


When the children are older, they can learn about sexuality and should not be shamed by it, but they certainly should not experience sexuality from the parents.

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