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How do I get into the sunday/wednesday show?


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Dont know where to put this but I guess its best suited here,


Ok I understand I can get into through skype but how do I find the freedom main radio skype group/friend/chat/person/thing.


Im interested in calling in but I just don't know how to do it or where to go, I do have skype working fine as I have tested it with my family and friends and I do have a working headset but I just don't know where to go to get into the call in show,


I rather not do it through phone as the audio on that is horrible so any one here can help me out by pointing me which direction I should go to get into the sunday show?

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I believe that if you talk to Mike (MMD on the boards), he'll get your skype handle and add you to the call with you on mute until you ask your question. If you go into the chat room during/before a show, the people there will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. I called in a couple years ago, and I'm assuming it's basically the same protocol now.

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Here's Mike explaining the Sunday/Wednesday Shows protocol:



From the post: 


Freedomain Radio call in shows are held every Wednesday at 8pm Eastern and every Sunday at 10am Eastern.


The shows usually last two hours, and each call takes approximately 20-45 minutes or so, depending on the subject matter and how many people are looking to participate. 


The shows are conducted using Skype, and if you’d like to participate it is preferable if you have a Skype account and microphone/headset to prevent any audio feedback. We can connect people to the show via phone, but due to decreased audio quality it isn’t preferred. 


If you’d like to participate, you can contact Michael at operations[AT]freedomainradio.com to be scheduled in advance. Please include your Skype username or phone number and a rough idea as to what you’d like to discuss on the show when emailing.


If you would like to participate, but haven’t been scheduled in advance, you can enter the Freedomain Radio chat room and ping “MMD” with your information to be added to the call if space is available.  Due to time limitations, please schedule your participation in advance to guarantee participation in the show. 


If you’d like to connect to the show via Skype, you can add Skype username “fdrsundayshow” to your contacts. We put the Skype call together at approximately 7:55 each Wednesday and 9:55am each Sunday, so if you’d like to participate, it’s best to be available at that time. Once added to the call, please immediately mute your microphone until you’re called upon to ask your question. 


If you’d like to connect to the show via phone, you’ll be called when it’s time to for you to ask your question, but you will be unable to listen to the show before or after through Skype.


If you would like to listen to the show live using a direct stream, please visit: http://cast5.serverh...reedomainradio/


You can also listen to the show live through the Freedomain Radio Chat Room. 


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Michael at operations[AT]freedomainradio.com at any time. 

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