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Rubbing the Forehead


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I am here to address a very serious question that should affect FDR listeners everywhere. Everyone knows about the Budai by which, according to folklore, you rub his belly and will be blessed with wealth, good luck, and prosperity.
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The Budai is a conflation of several gods, but the idea is that he is a happy fat man that has his plenty, and thus rubbing his belling give you the luck to achieve the similar.






Thus, the question is, what happens when you rub the Big Chatty Forehead? Stef is a champion of empathy and rationality and obviously gets his power from his monstrously large cranium. Thus, what blessing would one receive by rubbing the legendary forehead? If so, should we begin shipping Stefan busts to put outside of businesses and restaurants for people to rub? Has anyone rubbed his forehead and noticed any differences? This could be how we can really change the world!
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Notice: No proof has yet been discovered that rubbing men's body parts changes anything about your luck, prosperity, rationality, or empathy. In general, it either leads to enjoyment by the "rubbee", leads to the "rubber" being attacked verbally or physically by the "rubbee", or finally leads to social awkwardness followed by mild ostracism. Scientific experimentation or n=1 experiments to determine the effects of rubbing the Big Chatty Forehead (BCF) should be attempted at your own risk.


The BCF may be enticed to allow rubbing by:

1. Donating more than $2
2. Showing him obscure live Queen concerts
3. Karaoke
4. Coming up with a way to solve the terrible Canadian internet
5. Toe sucking (getting your toes sucked? There are conflicting reports)

6. Getting his wife to tell him to

Even if these techniques are used, a rub is not guaranteed. Hopefully somebody will be able to solve this conundrum and put this question to rest.

Good luck!


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