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Giving Regular Podcasts the Premium Treatment


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I have no idea how viable, desired, practical, etc this would be. However, the premium podcast seem to have a good little landing page with information on the side, a rating system, comments below, and overall allow some decent feedback and conversation around a podcast.


The thought would be to have a "podcast" forum in which each podcast is located there as a topic and it allows people to comment, provide a rating and such. This may be ridiculous to go back for 2400 podcasts, but maybe could be tried for podcasts going into the future?


I have no idea if it is a good idea and would not be offended to hear that it is a ton of work for no gain, but I thought I would float the idea and see if anyone else thinks it would be of value.


Another possibility would be to in the general feedback forum to "add a reference" which puts the info and podcast at the top of the thread and then people still comment below? However, this would still allow multiple posts about the same podcast.. Ok, ill stop rambling. Let me know what you think.

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  Oh my god Wesley! you are a genius. this is something that would really be a great idea. Yes i'm on board with this.

Often times i'm not the most organized person, trouble staying in reference and relevant to the topic more.

Unless this is something that i could somehow improve on. I'm slow to discover certain features on sites or my cell phone

that i could have been using to make things much eazier lol! Impatient with details

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I think it's an awesome idea. I would totally be willing to contribute to this endeavor.


It wouldn't have to be a lot of effort. There wouldn't have to be an upload for each one. You could create a database (which likely already exists) of all the podcasts and create an ajax fed feed of the podcasts broken down by whatever criteria (volume, search term, tag etc) and play the podcasts like a playlist. Each podcast can have as much or as little data as you want attached with a comment thread, ratings, tags etc.


I've already got a spider written in PHP that harvests all the podcast data from feedburner into Mysql (or MongoDB), and I also have JS code to play audio files when you supply it an mp3 file path. I've also got a (nearly) working example on my website. The spider does assume a Codeigniter backend or the latest MongoDB driver, but that can be changed.


Also I've heard of other people on the board who've thrown together similar databases.


I think most of the work is:

- figuring out how to setup a Cron job (I don't know servers...) to automatically grab new podcasts

- creating an interface that jives with this board system (is responsive)

- and wiring up the ajax calls in a way that uses authentication so that it isn't abused by third parties. (not necessary but useful)

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