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Terms and Conditions May Apply Documentary: A Must See Horror Film

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Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013) is a documentary by director Cullen Hoback that highlights online privacy and what users really agree to when they accept a website or social network’s terms and conditions. This is an important and frightening film, and shows how Google, Amzaon, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkdin etc harvest our personal information and onsell it to the highest bidder, and to the government. How we don't read that wodge of text in capitals comprising "Terms and conditions" before we click "Accept" - nobody could, it would take a month per year for everything we sign. But even when that text is brief and written in plain English, it gives those corporations unprecedented power over our personal information - including the right to change the rules without telling us, to increase their power without limit and without asking again, and to keep it forever, even after we have "deleted" it.



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyafieRcWE (2min)


Full movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHpvG_KUKAM (80min)


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I was thinking about something similar to this topic, today.  Our phone/internet activity is being monitored and recorded.  We are treated like we are less than human, in this regard.  I'm annoyed.  The best way to protect our privacy is to refuse to deal with these groups, or to play the same games they do, and they are very good.  


But since most of these services are free, what can we really expect, other than walking away from the service, or accepting the problems that come with it?


I think companies like this just open up a niche for paid services.  All you have to do is present a better product, and treat your customer like a customer.  Someone said this about Facebook..."you are the product."  I think that says it all.  We're all 'products'.

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