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Stefan Podcast about intellectuals?


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Hello all,


I am trying to locate a Stefan podcast that was posted on YouTube channel within the past 3-6 months that discussed how intellectuals experience the world differently from others. Stefan explained how a researcher that studies an indigenous group "will know more about their culture than they themselves know". Also, I think he mentions a book called "Intellectuals" by Paul Johnson. Stefan mentioned that intellectuals are not able to experience events with the same amount of emotion as others. If anyone could please find this podcast, or perhaps a related podcast/book/etc., I'd greatly appreciate it!




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You sure it wasn't it the podcast Friends Are No Substitute For Husbands that came out two days ago? It did change names on YouTube, so that could be a reason you are having a hard time finding it now.


I heard that bit about intellectuals for the first time no more than a few days ago and I listen to almost every podcast the day it comes out nowadays.


Oh, and welcome to the boards!

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You were right. It was in the first five minutes of the podcast! I can't believe I missed it. I have been jumping around between the old ones and the new ones. I should stop doing that, but they are so addictive! Thank you so much! 

Friends Are No Substitute For Husbands @ 4:15- Great, great stuff!
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  • 7 months later...

Hey here I have set this video to a part on the character of Paul Jonson who attacks  the character of (only) left wing intellectuals





I feel he'd have more credibility if his book included a passage on Ayn Rand and other people who weren't liberals who had dubious lives. Margaret Thatcher ordered a war crime. Reagan supported the contras in Nicaragua who committed atrocities like cutting off women's breasts.

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