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What the hell is going on in Syria?


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I'll freely admit, I don't know what the hell is going on in Syria. can't find anything, preferably a video or podcast that really explains what is going on in Syria. Does anyone have anything? It's so hard to piece together the facts while muddling through politically charged interviews and shock journalism. Thanks,




Edit: Also, I am having trouble finding good info on Egypt. 

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I am pretty sure that the rebels are murdering are framing the government for the vast majority of the civilian murders. The impression I have gotten from the Syrian government is that they quite understand that the Western powers are looking for any excuse to murder and displace a good portion of the population. More so, the threat to these politicians is having Western powers taking the rebel side and being overthrown and murdered. What happened in Libya is something the politicians of Syria are likely quite aware of.


The rebels are likely partially motivated by their own cause, and partially by Western powers and perhaps a few other governments.


Personally, I don't think it is worth it to follow because without talking tons of sources into consideration, and even then there is no advantage to being informed because you are going to be going against the murderous blood impulse of politicians, news anchors, and portions of the population. To bring it back to the first word, irrationality cannot be understood, which is why simplistic MSM narratives are so attractive to unintelligent people.

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It seems tensions are beginning to rise very quickly. I have no idea what's going and I'm sure nobody really does.


Here are some recent news reports I saw.

U.S. sends warships

Iran threatens payback on Syria

Russia sends warships

U.N. inspectors begin to pullout over possible U.S. strike soon

Iran threatens strike on Isreal if U.S. strikes


Countries already explicitly involved are France, Britain, U.S., Turkey, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and other factions.


My God I hope this doesn't become big. The real reasons will be hidden but everybody will pay for this war.

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