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Geting Things Done interview with David Allen


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Intreview about a method to organize stuff more efficiently. I haven't read the book, but the interview gives a good overview it seems, and certainly gave me some useful and practical approaches and general ideas and pricniples on how to organize stuff :)


(I don't know how to embed, so here's the raw link, sry, couldn't find the button)



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I just gave my copy of "Getting Things Done" to a neighbor this morning who was having trouble getting organized.


The book is pretty good and very easy/quick to read.  Recommended!  You'll never read more about manilla folders and paper clips in your life, but the fundamental concepts about creating systems and limiting active brain loops is good stuff.

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Hi LovePrevails,


Highly recommended. It's a super short book, but if you really only want to get the most value and limit your investment.  Buy it and just read the first 20 pages or so.  You'll get the gist.


It's organizational skills for the power set, but the most important point is creating systems so you don't have to keep everything swirling in your mind continually swirling in your mind.  In this sense, it is good also if you think about philosophy or political theory, etc., a lot and find yourself sometimes keeping too much active in your head at one time.


The majority of the book after the intro then talk tips and tricks, with no shortage of office supplies.


You can buy it used on Amazon for as little as 50 cents.



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