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Recurring Dream about Public School

Mister Mister

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  So last night I had this dream which has been a recurring one for me, where I find myself walking the halls of high school, or in a classroom, when I remember that I have already graduated high school and have a college degree.  But there has been some mistake, and there is a class that I need to retake in order to sort it out.  Also, there is usually some embarrassment that I am in my 20's and still in high school, and sometimes some confusion and anxiety when I can't find the class I'm supposed to be in.


  It's an interesting dream for me, as I am an avid dreamer, and sometimes even lucid dream, but my dreams tend to be visual and fun and carefree, as I am a pretty relaxed person in life.  But this particular dream is more cerebral and emotional, and is recurring, which tells me it has some important meaning that I haven't been able to grok.  I can't help but think it has something to do with some "lesson" in life that I should have learned, or have to keep revisiting but don't get.  I did pretty well in high school, and never got particularly stressed about school in general, so the anxiety is not to do with school itself, I think it's a metaphor for something.


  Just wanted to share, and hear if anyone has any thoughts, or if you have had similar dreams.

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The classroom/school is a social environment that you do not fit into. The class you are supposed to be in represents the social group you want to be in, and the "learning environment" would indicate that you want to be surrounded by more intellectual people of like minds and to learn about truth. The fact that you can't find the class and that the dream is reoccurring is hinting at the fact that what you are looking for does not exist where you are looking for it. The embarrassment has to do with being older and being surrounded by others who are in a social tribe and the social perception that goes with this.


To condense the above: it is not about something you should have learned, but rather about something you didn't learn. You didn't learn it because you weren't supposed to learn it.


Hope that strikes a few chords, it may not, but even then it may still be helpful in triggering some thoughts.

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If you could control the you in the dream, what would you have him do?


Good question, I guess I would go talk to someone in charge, try to understand why it is I have to take this class.  The thing is, in life, I often have trouble with seeking out answers like this, I have an incredibly difficult time with bureaucracy, paperwork, applications, etc.  Probably to do with all the time I feel I wasted with homework and jumping through hoops to meet external standards that I fundamentally don't care about.

The classroom/school is a social environment that you do not fit into. The class you are supposed to be in represents the social group you want to be in, and the "learning environment" would indicate that you want to be surrounded by more intellectual people of like minds and to learn about truth. The fact that you can't find the class and that the dream is reoccurring is hinting at the fact that what you are looking for does not exist where you are looking for it. The embarrassment has to do with being older and being surrounded by others who are in a social tribe and the social perception that goes with this.


To condense the above: it is not about something you should have learned, but rather about something you didn't learn. You didn't learn it because you weren't supposed to learn it.


Hope that strikes a few chords, it may not, but even then it may still be helpful in triggering some thoughts.


  Yes I'm not sure if this is right or not, but it is certainly interesting.  I'll have to give it some thought.  Thank you.

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Good question, I guess I would go talk to someone in charge, try to understand why it is I have to take this class.  The thing is, in life, I often have trouble with seeking out answers like this, I have an incredibly difficult time with bureaucracy, paperwork, applications, etc.  Probably to do with all the time I feel I wasted with homework and jumping through hoops to meet external standards that I fundamentally don't care about.

This makes sense to me, thank you for sharing.I think I can understand that lack of enthusiasm towards bureaucracy and paperwork. I'm sorry that your time and energy was wasted and unappreciated, that is incredibly discouraging. I began to journal exclusively with the Parts of me that do not want me to write. All my writing went into expressing and conversing with these Parts of myself. I have found that was incredibly useful. I have developed a better relationship with these Parts and I am granted permission to write and do paperwork more and more. It is a slow process, but I recognize that the longer it takes me to heal a wound the deeper it is and the more it is in need of mending.Hopefully this makes some sense.  

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