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You are as big as your smallest part


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All in all I thought It was pretty good, maybe don't have the camera so close (but if you haev audio issues don't sacrifice that for ease of viewing). Might I reccomend it be framed in at nipple or belly button hieght, especially if you plan on using hand gestures.(playing the part of a critic here [my intentions are constructive but let me know if I'm splitting hairs too fine] ) The content was all in all ok, easy to consume and pleasantly delivered, though did not strike me in too profound of a way (i think thats the price of easy consumption). .May i ask if you had a script going in or a rough idea?I feel like the message was to not be afraid to dream big nor discount your desires, but I can only relate that to not forgetting to work on your smallest part through your analogy.thanks for posting the video, i hope I was helpful 

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