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Doctor of common sense says "Stop shoving your atheism down Everyone's throat??"

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So I was a bit surprised to see this argument presented by none other than the self proclaimed "Doctor of Common Sense" who also said in the same Video that "Atheists should Love Christians because they tolerate us and don't kills atheists"


This guy is logical enough to see through the obama & political thing.. but misses the scam of religion completely..  I had to respond to it & I hope I didn't come across as disrespectful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGeSsnwX-0s


I do agree that muslims do commit far more murders in present times... but doesn't mean christians don't do the same thing when they have the political influence. 


He seems like a cool person... and his channel is thetruthdamit.  but how can he be the doctor of common sense when he can't see through christianity..

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Hi, welcome to the forum. Feel free to make an introduction in the self titled section.


Something that I think is important to realize is that most people don't have a compulsion to apply reason and evidence to everything. Instead, they will tend to come to a conclusion that is often based off of past trauma and then start rationalizing their conclusion. The Bomb in the Brain series covers this pretty well, and I'd recommend watching it in full if you haven't.


I would assume that this man grew up in Christian household and is now somewhat agnostic, though I doubt he's confronted the abuse inflicted on him. He likely has some close ties to Christians, some being in their family. As someone who is more intellectual and has this sort of background, when Atheism is brought up, it is likely to feel rather like having a cheese grater scraped against the ear. Of course this is just a character sketch of the person who tends to make these arguments and may be quite off in this instance.


I feel like you have to expect quite rational people to have completely irrational views in certain areas, only because if you don't: you're going to be disappointed. By rationality I don't mean the right conclusion, but rather a consistent methodology.


I like to put it in terms of myself, as in if people were to study my life and views in the future for some reason, even where I was wrong I'd want them to say "he may have been wrong on this issue, but if we could revive him and show him this reason and evidence he didn't have, he'd certainly be convinced and change his views".


My post likely doesn't help, but I hope it provides an explanation that makes out of place irrationality a little more understandable.

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