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The source of injustice
My thought about injustice goes way back in the past where man started to use agriculture and breeding techniques to ameliorate his condition. As we know, from then, man expanded his number to the overpopulation of the modern humanity, and with the wealth his high technology brought to his kind, he exaggerated his consumption to the level we now witness.
Why is it linked to present injustice ? Because we started to significantly act on nature by depriving other species to increase our own and by doing it de balanced ecosystems that are passed the point of no return. The same process occurred inside our bodies, our organs degeneration is in many case irreversible. 
This organic mutation in the bodies of modern man translate in the increasing of chronic diseases plaguing the urbanized populations around the world.  
We are responsible, from many generations ago, of what is now out of control. and our justice is k appealing. based today on the extreme position we stand on, therefore amplifying the injustice for others. 
As Lao Tseu suggest, when justice is named and imposed it is in fact injustice disguised to look appealing.
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AS you can read it is clear I’m a supporter of Taoism and in that philosophy which can be seen as a science translated in a technique, the follower is invited to adopt the non action principle. 
Quoting  Lao Tzu, there is nothing that cant be done by non action .
This seems paradoxical when non action is understood as immobility but becomes clear when the non action technique is to adapt to the flowing Tao, using the energy as a carrier in the direction it follows.  Derived from this are the defensive martial arts using the aggressor energy and redirect it to submit him. This has to be performed in favorable time and location, as the saying everything arrives in time for who can wait.  
Our modern uncultured population mistakes the benefits this ancient science can bring, hoping for money and superfluous  gadgets instead of the true wealth that is health of both body and mind along with an equilibrate natural environment.  There are no separations in this universe beside  those induced by the mental which are illusions entertained by our desires.  The hope for something should not veil reality as it does in this end of era. As it was and is said by many, we are out centered as we project ourselves in the future or the past not aware of here and now. There is nobody else than yourself all the rest are reflections of the self in parallel universes that are also reflections of a single one. As above as below. 
I am you as you are me as we are all together.
The knowledge comes to whom opens truly to it, he who puts aside his artificial  conditioning. 
True justice exists without need to teach it, it is naturally present and righteous people are those who possess inner harmony. Be just with yourself and the outside world will change accordingly. 
Who abuses his own body cannot expect outside influences to be nice to him, for this apparently outside aspect is the inner projection.
Don’t think this happens overnight, as long you abused yourself, as long it will take to change around you. 
I’ve been in the non action for a few years, letting events flow and navigating in the  direction the current followed.  I can say it really works, opposed to the aggressive action proposed by occidental point of view, the entrepreneurial way the way of the warrior. Like I said previously it shouldn’t be understood as a passive and lazy way which can lead to stagnation, another extreme and dangerous position, it is instead the middle way those in t Centerland adopt and practice. 
This topic is based on the archetypal phrase of oriental philosophy, as large the face as large the back. Many explanations are derived from it , all human sectors of activity can be related to this basic key summarized in the symbolic Tai Ki, the yin yang figure. 
As large suggests the increasing amplitude of what is called the transformations in the I Ching, the book of changes.  The face and the back are the opposites that become as they travel farther away, antagonistic. When one is named it is because it becomes stranger to his true nature, that it starts crystallizing in a rigid and unchangeable state.  
Beauty, love, justice, are true when they exist without any need to be recognized, they are and that is enough.  As soon the need to name and teach those  happens is the sign of degeneration.
The actual form of justice, like beauty and love, are as the yang in the extreme, transforming in its opposite the extreme yin where they become injustice, ugliness and hate. 
This is how appearance can deceive the unconscious, he see’s a beautiful person not sensing it has infected and putrid entrails. Beauty and health are the same, as ugly and sickness are.
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