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Pope Francis reaches out to atheists, agnostics in letter to newspaper


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In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis reached out to atheists and agnostics, telling them that God will "forgive" them as long as they behave morally and live according to their consciences, the Telegraph reportedPosted Image

Francis wrote a letter to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica under the byline "Francesco" as a response to editorials written over the summer by Eugenio Scalfari, an agnostic and the founder of the paper. 

Scalfari had asked whether, "the Christian God forgives those who do not believe and do not seek faith," the Telegraph reported. 

According to the report, Scalfari said he had not expected Francis to respond, "so extensively and so affectionately, with such fraternal spirit." 

"To listen and to follow your conscience means that you understand the difference between good and evil," the Pope said. 

His letter did not impress the Italian Union of Atheists and Agnostics, the Telegraph reported. 

"Why should a non-believer seek legitimization from the Pope?" the association said. "What interests non-believers is certainly not 'forgiveness' from an entity whose existence we do not trust."

So it looks like Pascal's Wager is even less valid than it was 2 days ago.

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I think this will have a positive impact on atheism. There is a large hatred of atheists, especially among theists, and a lessening of this is likely to make it more socially acceptable. Honestly, theists and people in general being agnostic about atheists is probably the next social step in progress.

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When a Catholic authority figure wants to "reach out" it's a good idea to keep a safe distance until you know their motives.  But hey Francis, it's so cool that I won't get in trouble with the antagonist character in your favorite fanfic.  The ghost of Tolkien has also told me that it's cool if you don't believe in Illuvatar in case you haven't read the Silmarillion and stuff (who could blame you, really?) but you know, still try to live a good life and all.

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yes the patronizing tone aside, I appreciate it, I guess...obviously this Pope and the Catholic Church are trying to give themselves a makeover to react to the growing contempt/apathy towards them and religion in general.  however, my response to this statement would be "okay great!  what does it mean to  behave morally and live according to one's conscience?' "

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Let me help explain this to my fellow North Americans a little better, living in Central America in a Catholic Country I have a good perspective of how people who actually care about Popes are responding.


The pedophile scandals and narco-traffic scandals ravaged latin America, the last major bastion of support the Catholic Church has.... and agnosticism, christianity, and atheism are all on the rise.  They know this.  They're keenly aware of the outrage, and feel it in their pockets. 


Thus, get rid of the creepy German guy and bring in a latino (white Agentinian, but still he speaks spanish).  Now he is reaching out in new ways trying to maintain their tenable grasp on human conviction..  Without people in the churches, its just a giant realestate scam. 

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