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FDR Collectively Written Non-fiction Self-Help Book


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Could this community not write a book called How To Defoo?


I know it's majorly controversial but people here have a lot of experiences here they could tlak about their challenges, victories, successes, where they went wrong


I would be happy to be one of the editors, and contribute a couple of sections on emotional handling/communication approaches

I am an experienced writer and part of my work is as a communication coach so I think I could help


it can go through (some suggestions please add)

- what is deFOOing

- why you should/shouldn't

- a checklist of things you should think about (rate on a 1 to 5 scale to see if you really want to?)

- if you've decided to, communication skills for doing it

- how to do the process


what do you think? is this worth doing

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I think it is a pretty cool idea. I think the things you listed should be communally written, and then people who wanted to share their stories can be added to the book in the back and will be edited and/or selected for diversity of possible experience, quality of writing, etc.


So its like a "theory" section and then an "examples" section. The examples could be much more helpful than the theory.


I would contribute some editing and such to the project and would like to read a finished product.


I also think a digital copy may never need to be ended and if some sort of categorization to the stories could be done, it could be an open ended book that someone could add stories to if they wanted to. This may be asking a little too much, but just an idea. It doesn't need to be a part of the book, but could be anonymous submissions to a page about the book where people could share stories or read the stories of others. 


Maybe people do not wish to share their examples, but I always found listener conversations that provided examples as more valuable to me than the intellectual stuff as I could emotionally identify with what was going on. Stef has often said that certainty in relationships is not an intellectual pursuit.

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Sounds good Wesley,


I am willing to be a compiler, I have writter 100+ reviews of plays as a theatre critic, had articles published and magazines and an academic papers presented at a conference, I have also written two short non fiction books (unpublished) and edited work for friends, so I think I might be a good person - but I'm willing to be fired if cast into doubt :P

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