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Missing Closing Tag


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I've only had a quick look at the code, but it seems there is a missing h3 closing tag. Pictures explain it better.


The posts in the forums look something like this...


Posted Image


They should look like this...


Posted Image


Adding the closing tag will fix it, unless there is something I'm not seeing. I know you guys are busy and I didn't see any other post about it, so I thought I'd bring it up.

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So, I'm not seeing this on that thread.


The h3 that is the top blue bar shown in the picture is part of the template served by IP board and not something that any one post (edited in HTML or otherwise) could alter.


If you saw this but didn't see it after a refresh then it's probably just that your browser didn't fully render the page (slow internet connection?). If it persists after a refresh then I would assume that there is a PHP error somewhere on the page that was served with some accompanying HTML that itself included an un-closed tag.


I would imagine that if the h3 itself were un-closed, then it's CSS properties would be applied to the rest of the post (a blue background, blue font etc).

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I'm using Firefox 18.0.2 and my operating system is windows 7. My download speed is about 5 Mbps. I checked this page in IE, Opera, and Chrome. The posts show as they should in those browsers. It's only a problem in Firefox. I did a test and ran the generated code from firefox in dreamweaver. I did not not find any unclosed tags. in hind sight, I should have done that in the 1st place. I have some custom settings in firefox, so I disabled them and refreshed the page. did not help. Java and JQuey would not be a factor, so I'm thinking firefox is not rendering a css element properly. I'm going to upgrade my browser and see if that helps.



I upgraded my browser and that solved the issue. Thanks for taking the time to help out.

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