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Everlasting Friends


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And then, on the other hand, there are relationships that are breached and broken.
But rather than repair that friendship or give it an honorable death both sides implicitly conspire to declare it healthy by chanting shit like this..
^facebook meme that came up one time too many
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I noticed that time has huge impacts and little value after a few years have been gone into making a relationship. In the beginning its nice to talk about interests, history, childhood, hobbies, and stuff but the thing thats stays is "Do I like this person?" or "Is this person healthy in my life?" or "Can I trust him to be there?" kind of stuff.


I mean I have made friends by simply asking people for a pencil and then the ball just gets rolling from there. I have also lost them by simply starting a delicate conversation. Easy come, easy go I guess.

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Seems like the same propaganda as "Family, forever, for always, No matter what"


The predators among us have to keep making stuff like this up to keep the pray confused i guess.

"Turn the other cheek", "Honor the father..." bla bla bla n other words, "be a good sheep"

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Well, I'm glad of the above feedback. Thanks. I've developed this theory about the low down...


1. There are friendships of intimacy. They take maintenance, which is a joy.


2. At other extreme there are sociopaths who never had intimacy and don't realise when it's gone. they ape closeness at all times


3. In between there are people who had a friendship, it died, it stopped being tended, and now these great cracks in reality need to be filled in and paved over by, as I said, bullshit such as we're seeing here


The predators among us have to keep making stuff like this up to keep the pray confused i guess.

"Turn the other cheek", "Honor the father..." bla bla bla n other words, "be a good sheep"


That makes sense to me too. But I think this one is more about people who are fooling themselves and others. It's a Weekend At Bernies kinda thing, pretending their corpsified friendship lives on. Possible gains to be had in not having to answer questions to parents about why you're not seeing so-and-so anymore or to face up the real issue that is at the heart of any friendship break.

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