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Sometimes there's only so much rock star drama that one can tolerate in a sitting.  But this particular clip was great.  For me …And Justice For All was THE pivotal album that turned my tastes in music.  I remember thinking something along the likes of "Geez…guy must've had it rough!" upon reading the lyrics to Dyer's Eve.  I had never heard any song with that much anger directed at parents.  Sure, all religions have their bullshit, but that whole not-going-to-a-doctor thing is so utterly messed up.


It's also a shame that suffering and abuse so often (always?) makes for great art.  Which brings up another question to ask your anarchist friends:  "Yes, But How Will Angry Rock Music Be Handled In A Free Society with Peaceful Parenting!?  Answer Me That, Huh! Answer Me That, Mr. Voluntarist Wacko!"

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