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I wrote a quick journal app

Tony Crowe

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I've journaled a number of different ways but I kinda felt like making a quick app for it.






Right now it includes only the most basic functionality of journal entries by month. In the future I want to support a few more features like theming and search. This is not a big, fancy, production piece so you'll probably be let down if you expect a lot.


I am also seeking peer review and collaboration if anyone wants to jam on it.


Requisite Skills




Bo-staff skills


Coffee Script


It may interest you that there is a JSON data storage module behind this project. The journal was a way for me to do some practical testing on it.





If you want to talk about it please send me a message via this message board.


If you want to post bugs please use the issues page on github.

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Just to update the status of this project, I've been using this journal for about a week and it's been a good experience. I think the simplicity and robustness of the software is important so that it instills confidence that I can type and not lose the information.


The data is stored as JSON files which are sorted by month. Backing up the information is simple. Transforming or converting the data to another format would be simple for a novice programmer.


I hope that helps. I think my next post will be a demo image so you all can see what this thing looks like.

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Hey Rob that is an interesting concept of a reminder to journal. I think a lot of times when wrapped up in the day-to-day a reminder to get in touch with my feelings would be helpful. For that particular purpose I would probably want to rely on my existing calendar, like the one on my phone, rather than replicating that functionality in the journal app. I wonder if there is anything that a person can wear that detects stress or relaxation and could send an alert based on that.

Let the mood ring tell you when it's time. lol!

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